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Secrets of Closing the Sale

Thank you, NetGalley for my free copy of this book. I provided this review in exchange. 

When I had the opportunity to review Secrets of Closing the Sale Revised and Updated by Zig Ziglar, I knew immediately that I had to take it. It is part of a blog tour I was chosen to be a part of. This classic book is useful for people in any field. You read that right, any field. You do not have to be a salesperson (and I'm not!) to understand the value of this book on life in general.  Let me show you what I mean.

The book gives you strategies on 

  1. Credibility
  2. Your Attitude Toward You
  3. Your Attitude Toward Others
  4. Ya Gotta Have Love
  5. Everybody is a Salesperson and Everything is Selling
These are chapters in this book, and the real-life stories are entertaining! While the content may seem deep, it is delivered so well that you read on because you are learning!  While I am not a salesperson, I believe this book has implications for my blogging career.  For one, I want people to come and read my blog.  I first have to establish credibility by providing great reviews, fabulous recipes, and beautiful photos of what I am posting for you today.  That is but one of the examples I could share. There are millions of blogs out there, and I need to create credibility with my readers.

"You've got to establish that trust and respect with your prospects if you expect to be a sales professional (blogger.)  This should be obvious, but for fear it's not, I'll spell it out again.  Again, you cannot be one kind of person and another kind of salesperson (blogger.)  You must be consistent in all areas of life if you are going to achieve maximum results in building your sales career. (blog)  That's one of the major reason we deal with the entire person rather than just the salesperson (blogger) throughout this book. This is one of the "not-so-little" things that make the buying (reading) difference in the prospect's (reader's) mind."

I do recommend this book for anyone starting a career, or anyone who wants to remind themselves of the basics of being a good salesperson and a good human being.  The writing is energetic, so much that you want to jump out of your seat and go do something!  Small critiques: the author uses a lot of repetition to get the main points across.  I'm good with a couple of repetitions, so I ended up skipping some parts that I felt I had a handle on.  If this book interests you, consider buying it from me using the link below.  I will get a small commission and your price stays the same!  Thank you!

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  1. I really need to read this book! I have a hard time knowing my own worth. I often short change myself and I really want to start doing that. (Rena)

  2. I have to read this book because I am not a salesperson either. Selling and marketing yourself and brand are always in demand and this book seems to be a must read.

  3. This sounds like it can be helpful. I like to have better self worth, so I wouldn't mind reading this. I also want to get my blog seen and appreciated by others, so it would come in handy.

  4. This sounds like a really helpful read. There's probably a lot I could learn that would be beneficial in my career.

  5. When I see "closing the sale" I immediately think about when we bought our house and what a crappy experience that way! Clearly the sellers of their home (and their agent) did NOT read this book, hahahaha!

  6. I really need to read this book! I am not a salesperson at all, and I feel like I often sell myself short or miss opportunities because of it.

  7. Anonymous7:00 PM

    This sounds like an awesome read for so many entrepreneurs and anyone who wants to be their own boss. This would be perfect in my beach bag for the summer.

  8. I am about to fly and I needed a book, this is perfect! I will be grabbing this before my flight!

  9. Stacie9:25 AM

    Sounds like an interesting read, one I'd actually enjoy. Sitting out in the backyard or at the beach. I'll have to check it out.

  10. Sounds like a good book. I just started reading again over the summer and I'm so glad I did. I'm always looking for books to read, so I'll have to check out this one.

  11. I think I will need to read this book. I am sure this will help me so much!

  12. I need to read this title. I am guilty of not valuing my self or time as much as I should, and that leads to me undercutting myself in a lot of areas in my life. I bet this book would give me a lot of perspective there.

  13. It sounds like a great book. I really want to be a good salesperson. Can't wait to read this.

  14. Kimberly Storms2:41 AM

    It sounds like something I need to read as I hate selling... I hate sale funnels so so much. I want to live by the saying "build it and they will come" but it doesn't really work that way!

  15. This sounds like a really interesting book. I would love to check it out sometime.

  16. This sounds like a really amazing read. I have to add this to my summer reading list.


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