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Does Your Home Need A Facelift

Is your home looking a little worse for wear? If so, you’re not alone. Every year, millions of people across the country look for ways to improve the appearance of their property. Doing so, however, is easier said than done. There’s a lot of work that goes into crafting something beautiful.

In this article, we’re going to take a look at some of the ways you can transform the drab, decrepit exterior of your home into something truly stunning: perfect for drop-ins.

Resurface The Driveway


Your house might look stunning, but if the driveway is a little worse for wear, then it can bring down everything else with it.

Concrete and asphalt driveways tend to crack. Heat causes the material to expand to the point where it fails, leaving a terrible mess in its wake. Cold can damage it too if ice can get into the cracks, freeze and expand.

When it comes to replacing your driveway, you have several options. You can either choose to use paving, bricks, a new layer of concrete or asphalt, are even shingle in some circumstances.

Sort Out Your Window Frames

One of the first places people look when viewing your house is the windows. If the paint is peeling or you’re using ugly plastic, no amount of pot plants out the front will remedy the deficit.

Swapping out your existing windows for new is expensive, but you can get the cost down with simple sash replacement. Replacing the sash is where you remove the structure that holds your window panes in place and install new material (called a sash) around them, making them look more attractive. If you have the skills, you could DIY, but it’s usually better to approach a professional for tricky work like this involving glass.

There are many ways to shake up your windows, and the whole practice of window treatment is something that can elevate your windows from dank to elegant. On activerain.com there are quite a few ideas to get you inspired. If you are looking to change the style, you can bring in hard treatments or just install new next day roller blinds. The window comprises of so many different segments, from the glass to the frame, careful alteration of each one can transform the space, inside and out.

Use Hardscaping To Your Advantage

Hardscaping is an industry-coined term, meaning using hard materials to improve your landscaping. Hardscaping is an excellent way to boost your home’s curb appeal, thanks to the fact that it lasts a long time (decades usually) and requires practically no maintenance. You could, for instance, use hardscaping to create a path running up to your front door or replace your front lawn, cutting down on the time you need to commit to maintenance.

Opt For A Bold Front Door

Your front door is the centerpiece of your home - the main feature people see when they see your property from the road. Not all homes are suited to large doors that pop. However, if yours is, it can be a great way to boost your curb appeal and get people interested in your property from a distance - something that is especially helpful when trying to sell.

Create A Symmetrical Entryway

When it comes to presenting your home in the best light possible, symmetry is your friend. Hanging matching lanterns either side of your front door can boost the appeal of your home dramatically.
Don’t have a front door? You can use symmetry in any other place that serves as a useful thoroughfare, such as at the end of your driveway or either side of your garage door.

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  1. You touched a nerve I live in a great house but it is getting a bit dated especially the kitchen. We have done the windows a few years back but everything needs updating and paint.

  2. When living in an older house like I do, renovations and repairs are always needed. We just resurfaced the driveway last fall, and what a difference it made!

  3. Honestly yes, yes it does. It could definitely do with some TLC, I should probably think about what we can do to help make it look more appealing from the outside.

  4. I am in a new home so it doesn't need a facelift but after just leaving a home that was 14 years old I was so excited to build again! I love the grays that are being used right now.

    1. Ooo! I love house building! We've done 2 and I'd love to do a third.

  5. Great inspirations for giving a home a facelift creatively and cost effectively compared to alternatives. A bold front door would definitely make a statement!

  6. I definitely need a new driveway. The cracks in the concrete really bring down the curb appeal to my home.

  7. My home could totally use a facelift. It’s an older home and it still can use a lot of work.

  8. Love the idea of a bold front door. We have shifted houses , I think I'm going to paint the front door an exciting colour.

  9. My driveway could use a resurfacing for sure. We have cracks in the cement and it look bad these days with grass growing through, I really need to do something about it.

  10. My mom is getting ready to sell her house, so this is perfect timing for me. We need to look at her house with a critical eye to help get it ready for the market.

  11. We are actually doing some home renovations now. It is not cheap, but I am excited about the way that they will transform the way that our home looks.

  12. My home needs a definitely makeover but because I live in an apartment I am looking to move soon. Somewhere that is worthy of redecorating and making my own. (Rena)

  13. I already know my home needs a lot of work done. My husband and I have slowly been working on stuff. A lot to do yet, and probably going to take years and still won't be done haha.

  14. Oh yes! I think that my home needs a facelift. I love your suggestions!

  15. At present no, as it is relatively new house one 3 year old. May be some time later I will think about face lift.

  16. I love the idea of a bold colored front door! It's so fun to have that pop of color!


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