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Making the Most of Your Free Time

As a fully-grown adult human, you have duties and responsibilities that can feel as heavy as the weight of the world. To get nice things, however, you have to work for them, so you have to spend the majority of your life completely switched on and focused – things don’t just happen. Every so often, however, you need a little break from the rigors of everyday life. A lot of people get themselves into a weekly pattern that is so systematic that it can be somewhat unfulfilling. You need to break that routine at times if you want to make the most of your time off. There are hundreds of things you can do, but here are a few for starters.

Be With Friends

Being social is healthy, but if you want to really enjoy your days, you need to be with the people you love. Everybody likes their own company at one time or another, but being around your buddies is much better. You can’t create too many memories sat at home in your pajamas.

Do Some Exercise

Keeping active is one of the best things you can do for your overall health. You’ll become more fit and more physically adept person, but you’ll also feel better upstairs. Exercise boosts self-confidence and helps you to feel more positive.

Go To The Theatre

They have the power to make us feel sad, happy, excited, and a plethora of different emotions. You’ve watched movies before but hit up a live-action show to really appreciate the art. Sound good? Well, check out the infographic below to see what would tickle your fancy.

Infographic Design By broadway shows

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  1. I just LOVE going to the theater! I also love to read. Sometimes I'll hang with friends, but honestly, I'm an introvert and prefer to be alone with my books most of the time.

  2. We only have a movie theater around where we live. Most of the time we are just doing things at home together. A bunch of us get together for lunch every month or so. It is all good.

  3. I need to start working in more exercise when I have free time. I tend to stick my nose in a book and I can see I need to mix up what I do with my free time to get more out of life.

  4. oh my gosh YES to all of this- im getting up an early earlier for my 'free time' before my kids get up to get a work out and its been so helpful to start the day that way!

  5. These are some lovely ideas, there's nothing like getting to spend time with your friends and doing something you all enjoy. I think sometimes we don't make the most of our free time at all.

  6. I wish I had more free time! Going to the theatre is a wonderful idea. There is always something fun to watch I just seem to overlook it in my down time.

  7. I enjoy going to a live theater show, but we rarely go. I saw a few Broadway shows when I was a teenager with my parents, but my husband and I wait for the traveling versions to come to our city. As a result, we hardly see any.

  8. I rarely have free time, and I actually have a hard time figuring out what to do once I have some time to myself. It is so hard as a parent to find truly free time! I usually end up catching up with friends.

  9. I don't have much free time. may only when my kids go to school, That time I will go out for shopping.

  10. Sometimes I truly am not sure if I have free time or forgetting to do something. More often than not it was forgetfulness :/

  11. It's so important to have time for ourselves and to do something that we love. I love long walks in spring!

  12. So important to use free time. I try to use mine to enjoy some me time and time with my family!

  13. I have been to New York City a few times and I loved my walk at the Time Square. It is such an energetic place with lots of activities and entertainment opporunities. I also enjoyed eating and watching the broadway shows there.


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