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The Best of Us #ourgoodlifebooklist

I was given this book in exchange for my honest review.

Fourth in a series, The Best of Us by Robyn Carr is a delightful contemporary romance novel set in beautiful Colorado.  Although I haven't read the others, I have put all of them on my list to read.

From Amazon:  

Dr. Leigh Culver loves practicing medicine in Timberlake, Colorado. It is a much-needed change of pace from her stressful life in Chicago. The only drawback is she misses her aunt Helen, the woman who raised her. But it’s time that Leigh has her independence, and she hopes the beauty of the Colorado wilderness will entice her aunt to visit often.

Helen Culver is an independent woman who lovingly raised her sister’s orphaned child. Now, with Leigh grown, it’s time for her to live life for herself. The retired teacher has become a successful mystery writer who loves to travel and intends to never experience winter again.

When Helen visits Leigh, she is surprised to find her niece still needs her, especially when it comes to sorting out her love life. But the biggest surprise comes when Leigh takes Helen out to Sullivan’s Crossing and Helen finds herself falling for the place and one special person. Helen and Leigh will each have to decide if they can open themselves up to love neither expected to find and seize the opportunity to live their best lives.

What I loved about the book: Robyn Carr develops loveable characters who, although flawed like all humans, have common sense, decency and the ability to see the best in people.  I love Dr. Leigh, even though I thought she was much older than what the character's true age is.  Helen, her aunt, seems to be a feisty woman who has raised her niece, retired from teaching and embarked a career as a successful author. Sully is an older man who runs a campground for hikers that populate the area through the spring and summer. He is just like my grandfather, who spoke his mind but in a caring and considerate manner.  I'd love to revisit these characters in the future!

If you are interested in reading this book, consider purchasing it from me!  I will make a small commission from Amazon, but your price for the book remains the same.
The Best of Us

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