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Bulletproof Chai Tea for Keto Fans

This list of cozy, warm drinks for the middle of the winter couldn't come at a better time!  We have a prediction of 5-7" of snow on the way to our area which thrills me to no end!  I adore the snow.  In fact, this photo popped on my Facebook memories today!

February 2, 2010
It had snowed hard for several days, and school had been out for several days. Making a snowman seemed fitting for that event!

Back to our drink, though.  As part of a keto diet, you must ingest good fats.  One way to do that is to add heavy cream and grassfed butter to your coffee.  I am not a coffee drinker but I do love my Chai tea, and that is how this drink was developed.

To make this delightful, warming and filling drink you need the following:

1 bag of chai tea (or a Keurig pod, like I do!)
1 T grassfed butter
1 T heavy cream
1 handheld blender  (this is the one I use, see below.  If you purchase it from me, I make a small commission!)

Steep the tea.  Add the butter and stir until melted.

Add the cream.  Immerse the blender and blend for several seconds.  The butter and cream should be fully incorporated.

This is my breakfast drink and I love it.  Give it a try and tell me what you think.  For more delicious, cozy warm drinks, check out these drinks below:

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