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Bringing Your Home into the 21st Century

Bringing your home into the 21st century.

Things move pretty quickly in this day and age. Your house might have felt all modern and new several years ago, but if you’ve not been periodically updating the hardware and decor in the time that has passed, then it’s possible that your home is lagging behind. If you’ve ever visited a friend’s home and thought “now this house is current,” then it’s probably time for an update. But the good news is that bringing your house up to speed with modern trends isn’t all that difficult; you just need to make a few changes.


Open Plan

Our homes aren’t just spaces to unwind and stay protected from the elements, at least not anymore. Today, they’re just as likely to be used as social gathering spaces as anything else. Now, most people are ready to host guests in one form or another, but instead of merely being “guest-ready,” modern homes tend to have their “sociability” factor built into the infrastructure. The open plan kitchen has risen in popularity in recent years, in part because it’s so conducive to socializing. You can have relaxed mornings, large lunches, and host dinner parties once the open-plan method has been adopted.

Modern Tech

The home entertainment aspect of owning property has never been more impressive than it is now. If we have the right tools, we’re able to watch anything and everything on a large television, with surround sound. It’s not the same as visiting a cinema, but it’s getting closer every year. Of course, to enjoy this aspect of modern life, you’ll need to have a few things. The first is an up-to-date television that’s able to access Netflix, Youtube, Dish TV, and so on. Then it’s about having a reliable internet connection that’s capable of faster downloads. With those two things present in your home, you’ll be able to make the most of modern home entertainment.

Tech-Free Zones

While having the latest technology and gadgets in your home is recommended, you don’t need to go overboard. You can enjoy those aspects of modern life without them dominating every corner of your home. There’s been a big movement towards unplugging in recent years. That doesn’t mean doing away with your internet or anything like that it just means creating a space in your home that’s beyond the reach of technology. A tech-free zone, in which can you can read, write, play games, and unwind.


We humans tend to go through cycles. Not so long ago we’d buy as much as we can, and then keep all those goods hoarded in our home, even if we no longer needed or used them. Today, we’re beginning to rethink that approach. Many people are taking the minimalist approach, which means decluttering their home of the items that they really no longer need. If your home is piled high with unused goods, look at having a clearout by selling them or giving them away to charity.

What tools do you think are needed to bring your home into the 21st century?


  1. Kristine Nicole Alessandra11:28 PM

    Fantastic tips. I like the idea of having a tech-free zone at home. That would be really nice to just bond with the family uninterrupted by beeping gadgets.

  2. Your ideas are always so refreshing & workable. Look forward to more such great tips.

  3. Yes, these are all such great ways to make your space much more modern! I'm in the midst of decluttering myself.

  4. I'm looking forward to buying our home this year and having complete control over the design and decor.

  5. We are getting ready to buy a new home. It's our permanent home so, I know I'll be ready to update that one. :)

  6. I love the idea of tech-free zones. That's a great way to reconnect with your family.

  7. These are great tips for the home to make it more chic and modern. I hope I can apply it in my own space.
