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A Bound Heart #ourgoodlifebooklist

I love discovering a new-to-me author such as Laura Frantz. I loved reading this new, January 1 release called A Bound Heart.  She does what all authors should do: transport you away to another place and time in history. Make you feel like you are there.

A bible and a book on a white table with a yellow candle burning.

Lark McDougall is the daughter of a fallen aristocrat who now serves in the castle stillroom. She concocts herbal medicines for the people of Kerrera, an island near Scotland.  The island is overseen by the Laird Magnus McLeish, who was a childhood friend of Lark.  The story begins with island life, and all the details that come with describing what happens on a day-to-day basis. When the Laird's wife dies at her own hand, Lark is blamed for her death and stands trial for this accusation. She is found guilty and sentenced to become an indentured slave.  Magnus also finds himself in court, defying a law that forbids him to wear his kilt.  The two of them end up on the same ship headed to America. The adventures that follow them are many.

The story explores injustices of the time, particularly slavery.  Lark's good heart and medicines help many slaves have better living conditions.  Magnus' faith helps him on his sugar plantation where he is met with hostility for trying to improve the slave's lives. Letters between Lark and Magnus are romantic and pure, it was a delight to have a peek into their growing love for one another.

Laura creates characters that you want as friends. I didn't want the book to end, yet, I wanted to see Lark and Magnus reunited. I am happy to report that Laura has several books waiting for me to read.  I know this won't be the last book I read by her.

I was provided this book for free in exchange for my honest review by Revell Books.  If you like to purchase a copy of this book, consider buying it from me. I earn a small commission but it doesn't raise your price!  Thank you!

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