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4 Budget-Friendly Decor Tips To Refresh Your Living Room

The go-to solution most people resort to when their living room is looking outdated and tired is to overhaul the entire room. But wait! This isn't a surefire way to solve the problem, it’s more of a hope that if you throw money at it, the feelings to your old decor will just go away. As we look at our living rooms almost every day, our perspectives are jaded from its real potential.

Luckily, it’s possible to view your living room in a different light without the need to change the whole place. The below options are either budget-friendly or completely free and could be what your living room needs to freshen up the look and feel of your living room.


Have you considered adjusting and moving your furniture around to new angles of the room, and experimenting with a different layout to refresh the look? If not, it’s worth a shot to see if the living room has any untapped potential.

Apart from altering the furniture in your room, why not swap a few accessories and soft furnishings from other rooms into the living room to see if it refreshes the existing look? We become so set in our ways of keeping the same furnishings in the same place, we never really think to change it up. For example, the large sideboard in your bedroom that’s barely used may look better in the lounge area behind the sofa, and the light fitting you have in the spare room might just work in your living room space to update the look and feel.

New Pieces

You don’t have to buy anything extravagant, it could be a few artistic abstract prints to brighten up a bland wall, or new cushions in fresh colors of blues, greens or pale pinks to add some interior interest to the sofa and chairs. Otherwise, you may wish to invest in some new seating to change the look and feel of your room, such as full body beanbags from ComfySacks.com or a single vintage chair. This step may mean purchasing and experimenting with a few different interior accessories before you find what works well with your existing interior.

Feature Wall

A contemporary fix for your tired lounge decor could be to paint a wall a vibrant color to contrast against the existing ivory walls, such as dusky pink or emerald green adding an instant pop of color and personality to your living room, instantly refreshing the look and vibe. Alternatively, you could consider purchasing split face tiles and creating a focal wall with these instead. This particular effect works well on the main TV/fireplace wall, or the wall positioned directly behind the sofa.


Taking an existing piece of furniture and redefining its look and style, is a cost-effective alternative to purchasing an entirely new set of furniture for your living room. This could mean stripping back your TV cabinet and simply painting it a different color and perhaps even adding new handles. Depending on the style of your living room such as a sunny and bright room with a Nordic twist or cozy and rustic as you upcycle your furniture.

As we grow and change, so do our interior designs and tastes. However, this doesn't always need to mean spending a lot of money to create a particular look or atmosphere in our homes. As the tips and tricks above have shown adding a few new pieces, rearranging furniture or adding a feature wall can give your living room a fresh new spin.

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  1. I love my living room clean as possible. I like a more organized space as it makes the room bigger. I use neutral and fresh colors.

  2. I love your ideas. I always rearrange with the things I already have, then I go out and buy new items if needed.

  3. Awesome idea! I really enjoy a little redecoration. it can be done fast and does not require a lot of finanses yet it makes life brighter and happier.

  4. I am the world's biggest clutter maker and my living room needs a remake. I have too much furniture but I never have the nerve to throw things out, minimalism is a great look.

  5. Great ideas! I'm all about changing things up a wee bit with the season changes and these would totally work!

  6. Such a great idea. I love being organized and rearrange things as much as possible just to keep them clean.

  7. Like your ideas very much.A little rearrangement is what is required to make it all seem new.I have been doing it right from my college days while I used to stay in a hostel.

  8. I love my space to be minimal. That means no couches, TV and unnecessary furniture etc. But I like your post above on the feature wall. I am Planning to put up prints of my travels on them.

  9. My mom always says if the living room is clean and picked up that is the first impression people see when they enter a home. I always well almost always try to keep it picked up.

  10. The hardest for me is the rearranging. And I even know the impact it would have. I am just so set in my ways I guess?

  11. Really great ideas here. Also, can't go past a good thrift store! Have found some amazing pieces there for next to nothing money wise.

  12. Oooo so many great tips!!! I love rearranging my furniture every once in awhile. It’s crazy what a difference it can make

  13. Thank you for these useful tips. I love decorating. My apartment theme is Black, White, Grey & a hint of pink for my wedding I want to do Pink, Black, & Silver.

  14. We also rearrange furniture and fixtures from time to time to give our house a new look.

  15. I would love to have a feature wall. Thats a wonderful idea I think I will work on this!

  16. Our living room needs a revamp. We haven't updated it since the kids were little which is going on 10 years now. Some nice tips to keep in mind.

  17. Wonderful ideas! I absolutely believe that making a few small changes can equal big results. An accent wall would be an amazing upgrade to our living room.

  18. Mu husband rearranged our Living Room for me a couple days ago as for the feature wall we have I am tired of the color and ready for a change and it needs to be freshened up.

  19. Am moving into a new house soon, and this tips will be handy when arranging the living room.

  20. This is so incredible! We are going through this right now with our living room. SUch great tips!

  21. these are some awesome and inspiring tips to upgrade a room! just something as simple as rearranging can definitely give a fresh outlook :) thanks for sharing!

  22. These are all great tips. We recently added a feature wall to our living space and it made SUCH a big difference :)

    Louise x

  23. Wow when I move into my new place I will definitely keep thisbos consideration. This is very nice! When you start with the perfect layout it makes a huge difference is the appearance of a home.

  24. I know that we have lived in the same place for a long time. These are some good ideas to bring some new life to a space.


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