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The Coordinates of Loss #ourgoodlifebooklist

I was given this book in exchange for my honest feedback.

The Coordinates of Loss by Amanda Prowse is one of the books that is difficult to read but you can't put down.  It is a profoundly deep book that explores a parent's greatest nightmare, the loss of a child. Rachel Croft, the mother, goes to awake their seven year old son to find he is not there.  It becomes quickly apparent that Oscar is gone, as the family is on a yacht.  

Set in sunny and tropical Bermuda, the setting contrasts vividly with the parents' grief. With the support of their housekeeper Cee Cee, who has a similar story.  Through letters, the two women find a path to healing.  Cee Cee is a hero in this book, as she relives her story to help Rachel come to terms with hers.

The writing is beautiful, haunting, soul-wrenching.  The characters are well developed and we are exposed to raw, unrelenting grief. This book can be overwhelming, I found I could only read short bits at a time. I would read, sob, read, sob and finally made my way to the end of the book.

Of course, Amanda and her husband James and their marriage become another "character" in the story. We want to know if their marriage can take such a direct hit.  With such a loss, it is the way other people react to the situation that adds depth to the story.  Rachel's parents feel useless and respond with anxiety and over-protectedness.  Friends Vicky and Gino are supportive and understanding. Rachel's brother and wife react in oddly inappropriate ways. 

I found the book very insightful and an accurate view of the grief of parents who have lost a child. 

If you find you wish to order this book, please consider using the link below. I will make a small commission on the sale.  Thank you!

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