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Second Chance Dogs, #ourgoodlifebooklist

Ever since finding my own rescue dog, Truman, I have been in love with hearing other people's stories about their rescues. I often hear, "I think s(he) rescued me."  A rescued dog may require more care, understanding and forgiveness, but the payoff is absolutely incredible.

Truman was rescued from a family in Northeast Missouri who decided to save money, they would do their own neutering.  The neighbors heard the terror of the dogs and called it in, and Truman and his brothers and sisters were taken away and brought to the Columbia Humane Shelter in Columbia, Missouri.  We met Truman and instantly fell in love with this darling.  While he is still very skittish around strangers, he is a loving dog to all in our house.  Even though he is the tiniest dog here, just over 9 pounds, he rules the home easily.

Second Chance Dogs is a collection of thirty plus true, feel good stories about rescued dogs.  Sometimes is the the dogs being rescued by people, but often it is the people being rescued by dogs.  The stories come from people at all walks of life, all who find love at the end of a leash.  This is a perfect book for the dog lovers in your family, as a thank you gift for dog sitting, a Christmas present, or a gift for when that new dog joins your family.

Truman and his brother and best bud, Wilson
Snuggle up with this book, grab your tissues and a cup of your favorite warm drink.  You are going to love all of these stories!  One of the contributors is Suzanne Woods Fisher, who writes some of my favorite books.  It's fun to read another side of an author you love!

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