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Pumpkin Deviled Eggs

For the last Hurrah of Summer, Festive Foodies are looking at picnic foods.  This time my family got together and made Pumpkin Deviled Eggs.  Clever, weren't they, to combine FALL and the last of SUMMER?  Thanks to our hostess, Wendy at

My daughter found this recipe here and was inspired to recreate it for a Books and Booze party that she and a neighbor held last week.  My daughter has a book blog called Hasty Book List.  You should check it out.  The eggs were a part of the food that went along with the party!

Party first.  Ashley picked out five books to share and give away at the party.  Her co-hostess picked out six wines that played off the books' themes or title. Then there was a snack to eat that went with the wine!  It was a complete blast!

Now the recipe:

Pumpkin Deviled Eggs

2 tablespoons pumpkin puree
1 tablespoon mayonnaise
Salt and pepper taste

1 teaspoon Paprika (plus more)
Salt and Freshly Ground Black Pepper

Boil the eggs to hard boiled.  We like to put the eggs in cold water, bring to a boil, cover and turn off the heat.  Let sit for 15 minutes.  Pour off the water, run in some cold water and let set for five minutes. Pour off that water and peel.  Then slice in half the long way.  Scoop out the egg yolks.

Stir together the mayo, pumpkin, egg yolks and the salt and pepper. Spoon filling into the hollows of the egg white.  Sprinkle with paprika for some additional color.  Serve cold or at room temps.

These were so delicious!  The pumpkin adds a bit of nuttiness to the taste, and while it is very different from traditional deviled eggs, they are wonderful all on their own!

Now go and look at the goodies for YOUR last hurrah of summer that these bloggers cooked up for you!

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