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Peach Mug Muffins

I wanted to have some muffins today, but didn't want to have a bunch of them lying around waiting for me to consume them!  So I concocted a mug muffin that satisfies my craving but doesn't leave a bunch around.  It's a quick recipe with a delicious outcome.  It's versatile, too!!

The peaches can be replaced by blueberries, black berries, and strawberries easily.  Diced apples work, too but they may not cook through and may have a bit of a crunch.  You can remove the fruit and replace it with 1/2 t of cinnamon that has been swirled through 1 T of melted butter. Swirl the cinnamon/butter mixture through batter before pouring into the mug.

Yield: 1

Peach Mug Muffins

prep time: 4 minscook time: 1 minstotal time: 5 mins
A single serving muffin, perfect to satisfy a craving.


1/4 c flour
1/4 t baking powder
1 T sugar (I leave this out)
2 -3 T milk
1 T oil
1/4 t vanilla
3 T chopped peaches


Blend all ingredients together.  Spray cup with a cooking spray (allows you to remove the muffin easily from the mug and makes for easier clean up!)  Pour into mug.  Microwave for 1 minute.  Muffin should look "baked" and may have a small shiny spot in the center.  If you believe the muffin isn't cooked through, microwave in 15 second intervals.  Serve warm.
Created using The Recipes Generator

Peaches are in season here in Missouri, and they are delicious this year!  Buy a few to eat and use some to make your favorite pie!  For the next few Sundays, I will be making peach flatbread, poptarts and a daiquiri!  Stay tuned!

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