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Friday Faves #6

Hey there!  This week felt a little less like summer and more like work!  I work as a full time educational consultant for the University of Missouri and we are inching back to school. This week I had a wonderful training with the wonderful Mike Rutherford and learned so much. It does get me excited about school starting again!  It's is still summer, though, so let's talk about some things that I loved this week.

1.  I am a huge fan of farmers' markets.  We have several really good ones in our area, and this weekend we took advantage of the Kirkwood (MO) one.  Saturday was the annual Peach Festival!  I love fresh peaches so much!  We tried peaches from many areas, but found we loved our own Calhoun County peaches best.

2. I am a paper planner girl. I actually have to do both: a digital calendar (CalenGoo) for my family and I use an Eric Condren planner for my day to day planning. I found this adorable gratitude journal on their site and I had to have it. I want to find a time to sit down with it and really think about how I want to use it. In the mean time, though, I wanted to share it with you!

3. I am constantly reading about how to live your best life, ever since Oprah introduced the concept on her show in 2005 (?) and am fascinated with the book Love Wins by Rob Bell.  I wanted to share it with you as a book that has helped me understand and define the way I approach humanity. There is an affiliate link to the book (which means if you click on the link and purchase the book, I will make a small commission. It doesn't change the price for you to use my link.)  What I love the most is that there are handbooks, books for teens and many other ways to incorporate this understanding into your life.

4.  I am processing the following quote:  The same boiling water that softens potatoes hardens eggs.  It is all about what you are made of not your circumstances.  Nayham quote.  I am thinking about what this quote could mean in terms of children in schools. How do we teach this to our kids? Especially when it seems that life is so unfair?  What's your take on this quote?

Do you have weekend plans?  My husband and I are considering doing a day trip to Elephant Rocks or maybe the Waterfall Tour.  Either way, we will be sharing our adventure with you next week!  I can't wait to hear what the weekend has in store for you!

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