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Strawberry Shortcake Pancakes #fantasticalfoodfight

Welcome to this month’s Food Fight!

Fantastical Food Fight is a group of bloggers who get a theme or ingredient each month and make some sort of variation of it. It could be a recipe from a cookbook, a blog, or the blogger’s own creation.  This month’s theme is Strawberry Shortcake!

My heart is full of memories of this delicious dessert. My neighbor, Mr. Dotson, grew strawberries in a large patch near his home. A few times a summer he would invite us over to pick strawberries and give some to my mom. She'd slice them up and add a little sugar to make some juice. Then she'd make these biscuits of Bisquick and then top them with the strawberries and Cool Whip. It was the best summer dessert ever.

Since that recipe can't be topped (in my mind, anyway) I decided to see what I could make for breakfast that would mimic those delightful summer desserts.  Strawberry Shortcake Pancakes were the solution!

To keep this in a semi tradition of my mom's, I had Bob make our favorite pancakes from a mix.  Aunt Jemima to the rescue!  Her "complete" mix was our young married couple's go to pancake mix.  We made a lot of pancakes from this mix!  Then I got some Florida sweet strawberries (spring is their ultimate season) and sliced them up with a little sugar.  The only stray away I did was to make our own homemade whipped cream. We like it flavored with a little bit of good vanilla and that's it.

Strawberry Shortcake Pancakes

2 c Aunt Jemima Pancake Mix complete
1 c water
1 egg (for added richness)
1 qt. strawberries, sliced
1/4 c sugar
1 c heavy whipping cream
1 t vanilla

The night before, slice strawberries and sprinkle the sugar over the berries. Cover and refrigerate. The morning of, pour cream and vanilla into a mixing bowl and beat on high until the cream doubles in volume and lays in soft peaks.  Mix together the pancake mix, egg and water.  Cook pancakes as directed on the package.  To assemble, put one pancake on a plate.  Spoon strawberries and a bit of juice onto the the pancake.  Add a layer of whipped cream.  Repeat.  Top with a fresh strawberry.  

Now this is breakfast!

See all the other wonderful strawberry shortcake creations below. It will make your summer perfect.

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