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April Pinterest Challenge

Welcome to the April Pinterest Challenge Blog Hop! The purpose of this Pinterest Challenge is to motivate all the participants of this hop (and you too) to not just pin, but to make it happen! So this month, I chose to make/create -Stain Remover!

To join next month's #pinterestchallenge, click here to sign-up ⇒ May Pinterest Challenge

My husband came to me with this shirt with an obviously bold pink stain on the pocket. The following conversation took place.

Bob:  Honey, look at this shirt.
Me:    I see a stain.
Bob:  Can you get it out?
Me:    Of course I can.  I have Pinterest.

This conversation, or ones very similar, seem to occur nearly every day and Pinterest comes to the rescue so many times!  Is it that way for you?

So, I head over to look at my Domestics board on Pinterest to see what I have for stains.  I have some criteria:  only normal household goods and it must be cheap.  So off I go to look.

I come across this pin from Happy Family Blog that met all the criteria.  Cheap to make, and only household products.  The bonus was that I already owned all of the products!  She used this to take the stains from her baby's clothing.  One line stood out to me:  I even have tried it on dried on stains.  Just like Bob's shirt!

I quickly mixed up the potion.

Stain Remover

1 t Dawn dishwashing liquid
4 T Hydrogen Peroxide
2 T baking soda

In a small bowl, mix the ingredients.

I had also read that you treat the stain from the inside out and use a white cloth on the outside to draw out the stain.  This being a pocket made it rather difficult, but I took a spoon and dribbled some of the solution onto the back of the stain.  I scrubbed it on the back of the stain, then turned the shirt over on a white washcloth. I weighed it down with a bowl and waited one hour.  This is what I got:

I wasn't disappointed, because I thought I was seeing some progress.  The blog said that she sometimes lets the stain go overnight, so I scrubbed it more again, turned it upside down on the white cloth and weighed it down again and let it stay overnight.  Here's what I got:

Again, I felt like I was seeing progress, so I decided to do it one more round.  I poured a more heft amount of product on the back of the stain, scrubbed, and then placed it on the washcloth and waited another hour.  After this hour, I washed the shirt in a regular cycle.  This is what I got:

I was thrilled! I hung the shirt in an obvious place so Bob could see that I rescued his shirt and he was very excited about it, too.  In his own words, "I like this shirt."  Ahhh, the wedded bliss of those married 40+ years!  

So while this took a little more effort, I was very pleased with this stain remover.  The rough estimate for the cost of this was about 10 cents.  The shirt's value is $30, so that is 10 cents well spent.

Now let's see what other things Pinterest inspired! Head over and visit the other hosts to see what they crafted, cooked, built, or tried!

Pinterest Challenge Blog Hop
Erlene - My Pinterventures • Lauren - Mom Home Guide
Debbee - Debbee's Buzz • Laurie - My Husband Has Too Many Hobbies
Marie - DIY Adulation • Julie - Sum of their Stories
Marie - The Inspiration Vault • T'onna - Sew Crafty Crochet • Debra - Shoppe No. 5
Roseann - This Autoimmune Life • Terri - Our Good Life
Lisa - Blogghetti • Marci - Stone Cottage Adventures
Leslie - Once Upon a Time & Happily Ever After
Cherryl - Farm Girl Reformed
Kelley - Simply Inspired Meal • Joanne - Our Unschooling Journey • Pili - My Sweet Things
Jenny - Cookies Coffee and Crafts • Gail - Purple Hues and Me
Sherry - Olives & Okra • Sam - Raggedy Bits
Beverly - Across the Boulevard • Samantha - Little Bits of Home
Kristie - Teadoddles • Shirley - Intelligent Domestications
Kelli - Olympic Nest • Chelsea - Making Manzanita
Cherryl - Farm Girl Reformed • Ola - J'adore Le Decor
Rebecca - Simple Practical Beautiful 

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