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Carrot Cake Bread Pudding

This month our Fantastical Food Fight was to create something with the theme of Carrot Cake.  I talked this one over with my daughter, as she and her husband love carrot cake.  We discussed many options, but the one that won was bread pudding!

carrot cake bread pudding

We had to really work at this one to get it right.  The first attempts were too dry, then then one was too soggy.  This third attempt hit the mark and it was so good!!  It's a perfect Easter morning sweet treat.

Carrot Cake Bread Pudding

1 Carrot Cake cake mix
3 eggs
1 c warm water
1 oz of white rum
1/4 c oil

Preheat oven to 350. Make cake according to package directions.  Bake.  Let cool.  Cut cake into cubes and let dry overnight.

1 box of French vanilla instant pudding
3 c milk
1/4 c white rum
4 T butter

Preheat oven to 350.  Spread cake cubes into a 9 by 11 pan.  Push down with hands.  Mix the pudding, milk, and rum together.  Pour over cake.  Bake for 45 minutes, or until custard is completely cooked through.

Cream Cheese Glaze

1/4 c premade cream cheese frosting
1 oz white rum
1 T milk

Mix together until smooth.  Cut the bread pudding into squares while it is warm (not hot) and drizzle the glaze on top.  Serve.

This is so good and truly brings out the flavor of the carrot cake!  Let me know if you give it a try!

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