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Rhubarb Shrub

In case you didn't know, a shrub is a sweetened, vinegar based syrup from which a cocktail can be made. You will find them in the best of cocktail bars, sandwiched in between the garnishes and bitters, in pretty bottles with lovely colors.  So happy you could join me for this month's Fantastical Food Fight, a monthly food event hosted by Fantastical Sharing of Recipes.

rhubarb shrub

A shrub is tart or sweet, and the acids can come from vinegars or acids of the fruits.  They are easy to make, using equal parts of sugar and water (a simple syrup) and when the two are melted together, add fruit.  When the mixture is cool, add vinegar.  Typically they are stored in the refrig, but some are considered shelf stable.

Most rhubarb shrubs are made by soaking the rhubarb in sugar for several days to get the syrup.  In this recipe, you boil the rhubarb, which is a faster process.

Add a tablespoonful to your glass of water for its health benefits, or add to a glass of Prosecco.  It is light and refreshing.  Shrubs are a perfect place to get creative.  Try strawberries and basil, or blueberries and lemon verbena.  Shrubs are delicious and easy to make.

rhubarb shrub

Here is our recipe, which was adjusted from a recipe at Serious Eats.

1 16 oz bag of frozen rhubarb or 1 lb of fresh rhubarb
1/4 c water (none for fresh)
1/2 c apple cider vinegar
1/2 c sugar

Combine the rhubarb, vinegar, and sugar in a small saucepan over medium-high heat, stirring as the rhubarb begins to break down. When the mixture comes to a boil, reduce heat to low and cook until the rhubarb is completely broken down, about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat and pour into a fine mesh strainer lined with a layer of cheesecloth. Allow the mixture to strain until it stops dripping, about 30 minutes, then stir the mixture gently once or twice to help it strain, but do not press it through the cheesecloth. Throw away the cheesecloth and pulp. Pour the syrup into a jar and let cool. Store in the refrigerator.

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