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One Word: Kind

You might remember that I announced my One Word: Kind which lead to the formation of a Facebook group for all of us who want to really make a difference with our word this year.  Recently I was contacted by Stacey at Poofing the Pillows to participate in a project called PERK which is Positive*Encouraging*Real*Kindness event. For each word of PERK, there has been a post about that part.  I encourage you to go and see the whole series!

Today's word is KINDNESS and since I was already working on KIND, I was so happy to be able to share what I have been working on since choosing my word.

The Facebook group has 11 members and we are sharing thoughts and ideas about our words.  It is very low key but profound in the interaction between members.  If you are working on a word this year, and want to have a supportive group, come join us!

I have ordered a bracelet with the word KIND on it. I wore a bracelet last year with my word on it and it was a constant reminder of honoring my word.  I found my bracelet at Etsy and you can see it here.

My Instagram account is the other place where I am working on the word KIND.  I am putting kindness quotes on my account.  I love looking up quotes.  Here are a couple of the top ones.

In the works: 

I am working with my local school district to institute a KINDNESS award of sorts... we just want it to be recognition that someone was doing a kind act or deed.  We are tossing around the idea, but still fleshing it out.

A printable with the most popular kindness quote (July due date)

A working list of things to do to be kind.  This is proving to be difficult because there are millions of things to do, so it is warping into something else, which I don't know what it will be.  

Which quote spoke to you?  What is your goal around kindness?

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  1. "Kindness does wonderful things to a face" I love it, although it probably does things to two faces as hopefully both the giver and the receiver will be smiling afterwards :)


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