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Instant Pot Steel Cut Oats

It's an Oatmeal Food Fight!  Can you see that image in your head?  Pretty messy, huh?  That's the fun of Sarah from Fantastical Food Fight and she has us conjuring up recipes using oatmeal.

I am a big fan of steel cut oatmeal, the kind with a little "chew" to it.  Do you know which one I mean? It takes a really long time to cook, and because of that, I don't get to make it often. So it became clear to me that I needed to see if I could make steel cut oats in my Instant Pot.  I did a little research on the web to help me out.

What I found was that, yes! Steel cut oatmeal is being cooked all over the world in the instant pot. I decided to give it a try and help you learn from my mistakes.  Fair warning: although the cook time is 4 minutes, with warm up and steam release, it could be 30 minutes all said and done.  However, no standing by the stove, stirring, and waiting.  *Winner!*

Steel Cut Oats in the Instant Pot

2 c steel cut oats
4 c water
2 T butter, unsalted
1/2 t salt

Select saute, and melt the butter.  Add the oats and toast in the butter for about 4 minutes. Combine the steel cut oats with the water and salt in the bowl of your Instant Pot and give them a stir. Cover with the lid and make sure you turn the vent at the top to "sealing."

Press the manual button and then lower the time to 4 minutes on high pressure. This will start automatically.  This is where I love the instant pot.  You just walk away now. No standing over the stove, waiting and stirring.

When the instant pot beeps, allow the pressure to naturally release for 20 minutes.  This is when the timer function really helps.

Once the 20 minutes have passed, turn the vent to the "venting" position to release any remaining pressure. Carefully remove the lid and stir the oats. They should be nice and thick and delicious.

Since this makes 6 servings, store the leftovers in serving size containers (for up to a week.)

Favorite toppings:

cinnamon, honey and pecans
sweet potato, cinnamon and maple syrup
applesauce, cinnamon, and agave syrup
cranberries, walnuts and 1/4 t vanilla
chocolate chips, cream, and sugar
peanut butter and sliced bananas
blueberries, almonds and brown sugar
pumpkin pie spice and brown sugar, heavy cream
If you want to serve it in a savory style, check out this recipe from my files.

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