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Good Bye 2017, Hello 2018

If I was to sum up 2017 in one thought it would be: TOO FAST.  The world seems to turn more quickly on its axis than it did when I was younger.  This makes me feel rushed, like I need to do, accomplish, travel, eat, write, more than I am.  It's like I want to cram in as much living as I possibly can.

My 2018 word of the year is KIND.  I don't think I am unkind, or that I am not aware of kindness, but I want to be more intentional about it. I want to see if I can broaden my circle and include kindness as part of what people think when they hear my name. I want to bring more kindness to the world. If you do a "word of the year" like I do, consider joining my Facebook group.  It is designed to help keep us on track and focused on our individual words.

My 2017 word of the year was CONQUER.  As I stated in this 2017 post, I wanted to put some of my goals to rest. This is the year that I learned that I cannot put a goal to rest. I have to continue to work on it, and get better, and refine.  That was a tough lesson to learn.  So what I conquered was my addiction to sugar.  It no longer controls me, even though I still want it from time to time. I have a gigantic sweet tooth.  This was HUGE for me and something that I am very proud of.

My 2017 blog goals were to continue to grow in Facebook and Pinterest, work on Instagram and Twitter, and make a better effort for a presence in Google+.  I wanted to see my page views rise as well.  I had a strong start with Facebook and Pinterest.  I did seem to lose momentum for both in mid August.  I really don't know why.  I didn't work on Google+ at all but did see a good rise in Instagram and Twitter.  For 2018, I am going to continue to work on raising my numbers, by 1000 for each social media, and to continue to work on my content.

Goals for 2018:

Pinterest: 10,000
Instagram: 6,000
Twitter: 5,000
Facebook: 5,000

In the middle of the year, I started doing quotes for every other Instagram post. I wanted to create a pretty feed, and while I think I did that, it truly limited me in what I could post. Now, I have to figure out a way to back out of it, or decide if I am going to continue.  Not sure as of yet.

Personal goals are the same:  lose weight, get healthy, eat better, work on relationships, work hard on my educational goals, and work to improve my community. I want to learn to bullet journal, and to work with clay.  I will get specific on each of these goals in my planner.

I have been reading all your goal setting pages and it is so exciting for me to see what others are working on. It inspires me!  

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