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A Sweetheart of a Porch

Decorate your front porch for Valentine's Day to add some cheer to the gray of winter!  Here is how I used home decor from my favorite online store!

When my husband and I were first talking about building a house in 2014, we each listed what were our top five non-negotiables and the first one on each of our lists was a big wrap around front porch. Bob likes to sit on the porch, smoke a cigar and talk to neighbors passing by for a walk.  I like to decorate, watch morning sunrises and evening sunsets and enjoy a cocktail looking at the lake.

front porch Valentine's decor

I like to decorate the porch for each season or holiday, but I hadn't really done much for Valentine's Day.  I went to my go-to shopping spot to see if they might have a few Valentine Day decor items that I could get to start out my front porch decorating. I was so pleased to see that they had the perfect items:  lumbar pillows in the cutest Valentine style and a bright and sparkly heart wreath for my wall.

This year I am sticking with the basics but I do believe that it has made a nice impact on the porch. I can't wait to bring out a glass of bubbly on Valentine's Day and enjoy the view!

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  1. I will use some of these helpful hints later. I think they are pretty good.


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