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You are the Beloved #ourgoodlifebooklist

I was given this book in exchange for my honest review.

Author Henri J. M. Nouwen is a well known writer of spiritual things, so when I saw this daily meditations book by him I knew I wanted it by my bedside. Nouwen was a catholic priest, professor and pastor whose books have been translated in more than 30 languages. He taught at Notre Dame, Yale and Harvard.

His personal philosophies were that by revealing your most intimate thoughts, you built relationships and communed with God.  He called this "theology of the heart."  

You are the Beloved is designed to remind you of that you are beloved of God, therefore you should live out your truth in your day to day life.  This book is a collection of the best of Nouwen's insights from previously published books and some never-seen-before writings.  

You are the Beloved is a year long study in self worth. I read a few of this month's offerings and found them inspirational for the day's wonderings and thinking.  Some of the themes are God is a God of the Present, and Pointers to Everlasting Peace.  I enjoyed reading a few but I closed the book so that I could start on January 1 with a fresh start.  

Other common themes: You are not what you do, have, what people say about you.  You ARE the beloved son and daughter of God.  When you love God, loving others is easy and natural. This would be a great gift for someone who is struggling with their place in the world today.  I give it FIVE STARS!

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