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Pomegranate and Orange Champagne Punch #SundaySupper

Are you looking for a fun and festive punch to serve at Christmas? This delicious punch can be made with sparkling cider if you prefer a non-alcoholic drink.  Delicious and so pretty!

1 c pomegranate seeds
mint leaves, about 10
4 c pomegranate juice
2 c orange juice
1/2 c Grand Marnier
2 bottles of Prosecco

Mix the liquids together in a pitcher and store in the refrigerator until time to serve.  In the meantime, make ice cubes with the seeds and mint leaves for garnish for the punch.

I used a rosemary branch for my garnish as it looks like a mini Christmas tree, but feel free to garnish with orange slices and mint.

Make Ahead Dinner Party Recipes

Ahead of Schedule Starters

Earlier the Better Entrees

Prepared Ahead Postre

The Sunday Supper Movement is committed to bringing our readers delicious recipes that encourage them to gather and eat together around the family table. Search for your favorite ingredients on our Sunday Supper website. Also check out the Sunday Supper Pinterest boards for plenty more ideas and inspiration.

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