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Snow Honey Cocktail #SundaySupper

My family loves trying new holiday cocktails. We learned of a new pop up bar called Miracle that is only open during the holiday season. We plan to try it out soon, so we will let you know all about that later!

This lovely holiday cocktail is a perfect one to serve to those who love cognac. We do! The warm scents of spice in the cognac is so perfect with the creaminess of whole milk and honey. As in the case of any recipe with so few ingredients, choose your ingredients carefully.

Snow Honey Cocktail

Snow Honey Cocktail

1 t. of GOOD honey (we look for the best local honey we can find)
1 oz Courvoisier VSOP Cognac
6 oz warm or cold milk.

Stir the honey into the milk until dissolved.  Add cognac and serve with a garnish.  If serving warm, warm the mug by microwaving a mug of water for one minute.  Pour out the water, fill with cocktail mixture.

Winter Cocktail Recipes

Cocktail Shakers

Winter Wines and Punch

The Sunday Supper Movement is committed to bringing our readers delicious recipes that encourage them to gather and eat together around the family table. Search for your favorite ingredients on our Sunday Supper website. Also check out the Sunday Supper Pinterest boards for plenty more ideas and inspiration.

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  1. I think I need to drink my way through your Cocktails category. They all look and sound soo good! This was a particularly fun one that caught my eye - love the honey flavoring!


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