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Cabbage and Kielbasa Soup #SundaySupper

As the autumn nights cool down,  I start my cravings for warm soups and stews.  I have a few favorites, like my mom's Potato Soup and this yummy Cauliflower soup but I also like to try a new soup or two during this season.  This soup was inspired by a version that had potatoes and another that had pasta, both items I am no longer eating.

This one has simple ingredients that pack a lot of flavor punch.  The kielbasa is precooked so all that has to cook up are the onions and cabbage.  This soup tastes great right out of the pot and usually it is gone without any possibility of left overs!

Cabbage and Kielbasa Soup

6 c chicken broth
1 T oil
1 medium onion, chopped
1 small head of cabbage, cored and chunked into small chunks
salt and pepper

Heat oil in a large saucepan.  Add onion and cook until softened and gold brown.  Add in kielbasa and brown.  Add in cabbage and saute with the onion and meat.  Add broth and bring to a simmer.  Simmer until cabbage is fork tender.  Add salt and pepper to taste.

This is especially good with buttered Texas Toast.  If you like garlic bread, this works well, too.  Grab a big bowl of this and a couple of pieces of toast and sit down at the table with your honey, and enjoy!

Comfort Food Soup and Stew Recipes #SundaySupper

Superb Soups

Stupendous Soups

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