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Grilled Ribeye #FoodBloggers4TX

My heart just aches for the citizens of Texas who are going through such soul breaking issues right now. Please know that I pray for you all every night and have participated in a number of fundraisers to help.  Some lovely food bloggers I know decided to show support by posting recipes today from all over the USA.

We want to give you a way to help by sharing this list of reputable charities that are helping in Texas.

Houston Food Bank


Salvation Army - Houston


Samaritan’s Purse


American Red Cross


The Texas Diaper Bank

The Houston Humane Society

Here are a list of bloggers who are affected by the storm.  If you could go through the list and leave a comment of support, that would be awesome!

This recipe is a favorite of my family and I wanted to share it, not so much because it is a Texas recipe, but because it brings a lot of comfort to my family.  It feels like love!  

Grilled Ribeye

1 thick cut ribeye per person 
salt and pepper
steak seasoning
2 T butter (for 4 chops)
garlic powder

Preheat grill to high. Trim your steak of extra fat.  We like to keep some around for the juiciness factor.  Melt butter and add steak seasoning and garlic powder.  Salt and pepper steak generously. Test the grill by flicking water on it. The water should burst into steam immediately.  Place the steaks on the grill and leave them about three minutes.  Turn the steak over.  Immediately brush the steaks with the butter mixture.  Leave on about three minutes.  Brush the steaks again.  Remove from the grill and let stand about two minutes before slicing.  Serve.

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