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A Plain Leaving #ourgoodlifebooklist

I have a guilty pleasure. 

It is reading books about Amish living.  I love them. I also love movies about the Amish (remember Witness and Plain Truth?) and can hardly wait for the next one.

A Plain Leaving by Leslie Gould is the first in a series about a set of sisters who are Amish.  Jessica left her church three years ago and hasn't had contact with her family because she had been shunned, one of the harshest punishments the church can place on its members.  However, her dad did come to visit her, unbeknownst to the family.  So when he unexpectedly passes away, it is a shock to the family to see that he has requested that she comes to his funeral, complete with her address and cell phone number.

Coming home is the most difficult thing Jessica has done.  She knows what to expect but the reality is brutal.  To make it even more difficult, Jessica realizes that she still has feelings for Silas, the man she left behind.  Seeing Silas was more difficult that she realized it would be.

Through the trials of being home and seeing Silex, one aunt extend her welcoming hand to Jessica and begins to tell her of the history of the farm that Jessica holds so dear.  It is through this story that Jessica learns the meaning of home.

I enjoyed the story very much, although I found myself more interested in the historical story and its surprise ending than the modern day story.  It may be because I am very fond of historical fiction, or it could be that the writing was richer and more detailed in the historical portion.  I really loved Silex and his consistent personality and wanted him to prevail over his circumstances.

If you like Amish literature as much as I do, then you will enjoy this heartwarming story about the Bachman sisters.  You can purchase it below.  If you do, I do receive a small commission.  It doesn't change the price for you, though.  It's a win/win for both of us!

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