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Fourth of July Wreaths for your Front Door

In our neighborhood, our friends love to decorate their doors and I enjoy getting into the golf cart and driving around the neighborhood looking at what the current decoration is!  From Memorial Day to the Fourth of July, though, it is all about the Red, White and Blue!  I think a house is the most alluring when there is a wreath or welcoming item on or near the front door.  How about you?

This post was featured at Walking on Sunshine!
Last year I wrote about using red, white and blue for your home and it was a well received post! Many of you said that you loved patriotic decor and some said that you didn't decorate but were inspired!  This is a holiday that is about us as Americans, show where your heart is!

If you are looking for inspiration for this year, check out this lovely list of wreaths that you can make yourself!

Patriotic Bandana Wreath by Girl in the Garage

Fireworks Wreath by Design Improvised

4th of July Tulle Wreath by the Jenny Evolution

Embroidery Hoop Wreath by Average but Inspired

Liberty Wreath by My Sister’s Suitcase

4th of July Wreath by Simply Designing

Crepe Paper FlowerWreath by Ribbons and Glue

Patriotic Fabric Wreath by This Silly Girl’s Kitchen

Patriotic Star Wreath by Positively Splendid

4th of July Wreath by Craftaholics Anonymous

Did you find one that you must have?? Click on the link provided and you will find directions to make each one of these delightful wreaths, perfect for your own 4th of July door!

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