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Dairy Free Mango/Carrot Ice Pops #SundaySupper

It's true, sometimes parents have to resort to some pretty amazing antics in order to get their children to eat their vegetables.  This was true for us, too, and we have some pretty crazy tricks up our sleeves (saving for our grandkids, one day!)  This tip isn't a trick though, kids are pretty crazy about ice pops, even if you tell them there are veggies in there!

These were featured at Pint Sized Baker!
What I love about these ice pops is that they are naturally this colorful and beautiful!  The mango and carrot are such a pretty color that they draw you in to want to taste them.  There is no hiding the carrots in these, that sweet distinctive flavor is there, but heightened by the sweetness of the mango.

Our hostess, Anne, from Simple and Savory knows all about healthy eating.  I recommend checking out her blog for some delicious goodies, including this amazing Mayan Chocolate!

Dairy Free Mango/Carrot Ice Pops

1/2 c cooked carrots
1 c coconut milk
10 oz bag frozen mango chunks
10 Zipzicle Zip Top Ice Pop Pouches

Put all ingredients into your blender. Blend until smooth.  Add more milk if the liquid is too thick (it should be pourable.)  Open a Zipzicle Pouch, stand it up in a glass.  Using a funnel, insert the funnel's narrow end into the bag and pour the liquid to the fill line of the pouch.  Zip it and set aside. Continue until all pouches are filled.  Place pouches in the freezer overnight.  To serve, remove from freezer and let rest for 5 minutes.  Open the pouch and push up from the bottom.  Enjoy!

You can probably reuse the pouches within your own family, but I haven't tried that myself.  I really enjoyed these frozen pops and plan to experiment with a spinach, coconut milk and frozen banana concoction soon!

Sunday Supper Kid Friendly Vegetable Recipes





For even more kid friendly vegetables check out these Vegetable Recipes for Picky Eaters by The Sunday Supper Movement

Sunday Supper MovementJoin the #SundaySupper conversation on twitter on Sunday! We tweet throughout the day and share recipes from all over the world. Our weekly chat starts at 7:00 pm ET. Follow the #SundaySupper hashtag and remember to include it in your tweets to join in the chat. To get more great Sunday Supper Recipes, visit our website or check out our Pinterest board. Would you like to join the Sunday Supper Movement? It’s easy. You can sign up by clicking here: Sunday Supper Movement.

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