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National Napping Day!

Lately I have been thinking about stress and how to reduce it in my life.  I wrote about journaling here and how writing helps me relieve stress.  I also know that there are many ways, including exercise and sleep, that help reduce the stress in daily living.  I'm not a huge fan of exercise but I do love my sleep.  You have all heard of the power nap, right?  Dr. James Maas, a professor at Cornell who coined the term, has lots to say about napping.

I tried the power nap and found that I was more cranky and listless than before I napped.  That is not a good way to convince me to use a nap as a way to deal with stress.  However, what I learned was that I was doing it wrong.  Yes, there is a right way to nap, and this is how.

The ideal power nap should be 30 minutes or less.  Too long and you wake up like I did and too short doesn't get the job done.  For a nap to produce memory and creativity benefit, it should be 90 minutes long.  (That's no longer a power nap, though.  That's a full cycle nap!)  The second point is that the nap needs to be in the middle of the day.  Too late and you won't be ready to go bed at your regular time. Other points: sleep in a cooler room, with comfortable clothing and dim lighting. If temperature consistently keeps you up, you should consider getting breathable sheets or even a cooling mattress. Remember to always set your alarm so you don't sleep too long.

I have tried power napping since learning these tips and I can say that I am feeling the benefit of stress relief.  Now, I just need to figure out a way to love exercise and I will be calm, cool and collected!

There is a great article to let you discover what kind of napper you are.  Go and see and let me know in the comments what kind of napper you are!!  Five Different Napping Personalities

Information for my post came from The A-Zzz's Guide to Power Napping.

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  1. I love naps, but don't take them anymore. For some reason they make me SUPER cranky, so my husband and kids prefer when I don't take them LOL!!

  2. This is so great! I am terrible at napping even when I really need one. Now the real question is, can I apply these tips to my toddler? ha!

  3. Anonymous2:12 PM

    I wish I could nap! I often try when my kids are napping but just can never fall asleep.

  4. There is a national napping day? I could absolutely use a nap right about now.

  5. Hmmm...not sure any of the napping personalities apply to me since I've never really been a napper. I only really nap when I'm ill and then it makes me feel so off! I usually just go to bed early instead.

  6. That's interesting. Didn't realize there are different napping personalities. Mine would be "Restorative" - as they said "because they feel drained and need rest to get through the day. They may be sleep-deprived or just inexplicably exhausted. Regardless, they nap because they're too sleepy not to." Thanks for sharing the information and link!

  7. I'm a fairly new mama so napping is definitely attractive to me! If I have to be completely honest I would take one right now hahaha

  8. I am a huge napping fan! A good power nap can make a world of a difference in my day! I ended up taking a PTO day this day and I had a nap lol - I promise I didn't know it was National Napping Day before I saw this but my subconcious must have known!

  9. Sunday is my nap day. I have tried them all, Cat nap to 3hr long nap. Sometimes it takes me an hour just to fall asleep. No matter what kind, I cherish those naps. I will have to try your tips for ultimate napping, they might help me fall asleep faster. Then I won'e waste so much time.

  10. I meant to take a cat nap today and woke up two hours later. My body obviously needed it and I don't regret it at all. I love the tips for the ultimate nap. Usually I just find a sunspot and go out!

  11. National napping day might be my favorite day of the month! Although I didn't take one, I let my husband since he has been sick.

  12. The afternoon seem to be my nap time - especially after the gym. Thank you for sharing this. xx

  13. The afternoon seem to be my nap time - especially after the gym. Thank you for sharing this. xx

  14. I am not a good daytime sleeper but I loved this post. I will remember to keep it shorter than 30 mins, drink coffee before and not too late in the day, great tips for when I do nap.

  15. I've never heard of the 45 minute nap but might give it a try, I do prefer going all the way to REM rather than just those short 20 minute naps, they don't really work for me that well!

  16. I love napping! I always try to get a nap in when my toddler does otherwise I'm so groggy in the afternoon!

  17. There was actually a press tour that I went on last year where I took a nap with Casper. It was so cool I was napping in the middle of West Hollywood! I love National Napping Day yay!

  18. I love taking naps but unfortunately I don't get to nap often because of work but I always nap on my days off.

  19. This is so true! My friend showed me a website where you can put in what time you need to wake up at and it will tell you when you need to go to sleep and gives you a 15 minute buffer time to fall asleep! Unfortunately I forgot the name of it but a quick search I'm sure you'll find many out there like it

  20. I think I'm a restorative napper! I've taken naps for as long as I can remember and it's because no matter what I do, I always feel tired. I think it's because my full time job is draining and the working hours just don't work with my body clock.

  21. I wish napping day was every single day. I'm short on naps this week but I will try to catch up this weekend.

  22. Sometimes, I am able to get just the right amount of naptime, and it feels oh-so-good. I love that there is a day devoted to it.


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