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Make Ahead Egg Muffins

I love having eggs for my breakfast, but sometimes I just don't have the time to cook them fresh. This is when my Make Ahead Egg Muffins are so perfect.  Plus, using leftover roasted veggies makes this a thrifty choice and a healthy one for breakfast.

Notes:  I like to use the oversized muffin pans for these egg muffins.  I like to make sure that the cups are loaded with veggies but still enough room to hold the egg mixture.  I always coat my muffin tins with butter or coconut oil, so that the eggs come out easily.  I don't like to use cooking spray, as it tends to make clean up hard on my pan.

Make Ahead Egg Muffins

6 eggs
1/2 c almond milk (any milk will do, even water!)
salt and pepper to taste
leftover vegetables, about 2 cups
1/2 c shredded cheese, if desired

Preheat oven to 350.  Grease muffin tins with butter, Crisco, or coconut oil.  Set aside.  Crack eggs in a medium sized bowl, add milk (or water) and salt and pepper.  Whisk briskly for a minute.  Set aside. Fill muffin tins with the veggies, dividing evenly.  Add cheese if desired.  Pour the egg mixture over the veggies, dividing evenly.  Bake for 22-24 minutes, checking for doneness.  The egg mixture should not be liquid at all.  Remove from oven when done.  Serve warm from the oven or cool and store in refrigerator until ready to eat.  Microwave for 45 seconds and then serve.

These are perfect for your Easter breakfast, as they can be made ahead and heated up when you are ready!


  1. That is a GREAT idea for Easter morning. I am always looking for things I can make ahead of time for when I know I am going to be busy and won't have time to cook.

  2. Yum to these make-ahead muffins! They look really yummy and love how you can make a bunch beforehand so that you always have a good protein breakfast each morning!

  3. This is such good idea! We get eggs delivered to us and sometimes we end up with 3 or 4 dozen! This looks like the perfect portion size for my toddler!

  4. I don't think I've ever tried to make egg muffins before. They do sound like a good breakfast to have for those busy mornings .

  5. Yum this look delsih. What a great start for the day. xx

  6. Oh that does sound delicious. I think I might have to try this out for a Palm Sunday brunch at church.

  7. They really would be perfect for your Easter breakfast. I am quite hungry I would love some make ahead muffins yum x

  8. I used to have these a lot when I was vegetarian, so easy to make, and great breakfast idea.

  9. I love make ahead recipes they're perfect for busy days! Especially now that we're all still adjusting to the DST changes. I would love to keep this recipe, thank you.

  10. Ooh! This is perfect for my husband :) He brings an egg to work every day and loves mushrooms. He will probably try to use bacon grease instead to line the muffin pans, I'm not a big fan of that though!

  11. How do you resist eating all the muffins right after you take them from the oven. Great idea and I will try this for the kids who must be tired of cold cereal for breakfast.

  12. These look delicious! I love making egg muffins and freezing them on sandwiches for my husband to take to work with him.

  13. This is great. I love making these and packing them for my huaband for work everyday. It is wonderful when I am rushing to take our daughter to school and need a breakfast pick me up. I think people would love these at an Easter brunch!

  14. I love making egg muffins. They are so easy and you can put anything in them. So quick and easy!

  15. lydia7:48 PM

    I love recipes that can be made ahead. It makes it so easy when you don't have much time! These egg muffins look delicious!

  16. Now this is my kind of recipe. Easter Sunday morning is always crazy. And of course the kids want to eat the candy first out of their basket. So if I make something like this and get them to eat it first since it will be ready, then I don't have to worry so much about sugar the rest of the day :)

  17. These look great. I'd love to make these during the week. Our mornings get so crazy and these look like the perfect quick breakfast!

  18. These look really delicious. I've never made them but I'm gonna try now.
