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A Sentence A Day~ February

It is hard for me to fathom that February is gone and that we are close to finishing up the first quarter of 2017.  The time isn't just flying, it is jetting faster and faster.  I barely have a handle on my days. Still, I like to spend a bit of time each day reflecting over what happened and my response to it. That's when A Sentence A Day comes in, a journal where you only write one sentence for each day!

For past editions of the A Sentence A Day journaling, check out these links: MayJuneJuly,  AugustSeptember,  October NovemberDecember and January 2017. 

February 1.  It was a wonderful time with friends, eating lunch in a new spot across the river, delighting in one another's company and companionship.

February 2.  Sometimes I do better when it is just me and my sacred space, filling the time with thoughts of the past.

February 3.  Driving to Chicago and spending time with my husband on heavy things like, do we want to become expats and move to Panama.

February 4.  In Chicago with my daughter, enjoying the coldly brisk day by sightseeing everything Ferris Bueller.

February 5.  Leaving Chicago is bittersweet, finding out all over again that my child is fully capable of living her own life without my influence.

February 6.  My head is going to explode and when it does, the world will be covered with the slime from Ghostbusters.

February 7.  Missing work when you work from home is just weird.

February 8.  My college class went well, even though I could barely talk above a whisper.  

February 9.  Spoke to a doctor about the inflammation in my body, and while it is not good, it is not unrepairable.

February 10.  This crazy busy day ended up with me getting what amounts for half a haircut.

February 11.  A day to do whatever we wanted, and it ended up being going to four different grocery stores!

February 12.  A beautiful time at the St. Louis Orchid Show at the Missouri Botanical Gardens.

February 13.  Our PEO meeting was so much fun and I enjoyed giving each member a little heart shaped nail file from the company 31.

February 14.  Our Valentine's celebration was an exchange of gifts, Bob telling me he's not doing cards anymore, and a wonderful meal of steak, steamed broccoli and sweet potato steak fries. 

February 15.  An earnest discussion about our sacred places in our book study today is making me wonder where mine are.

February 16.  It's my sister's birthday and I always like to figure out some fun thing to do...this year I sent cards and posted baby pictures of her on Facebook, which never gets old!

February 17.  We've cut the cord and now replaced it: our TV service expired and now we have Directv, which I never thought I'd have.

February 18.  At my DAR meeting we had the CAR kids come and give a presentation on their year, which is an annual event, tooooo cute!

February 19.  It was 70 degrees today and we got to do a golf cart ride in February!!

February 20.  I spent the day with my colleagues in Columbia, talking about the merits of teaching and what good teaching looks like. 

February 21.  I spent the morning with a school talking about their data and their rock star teaching (!) and the evening with my PEO sisters having dinner.

February 22.  I had my second appointment with my doctor and I have lost 6 pounds, not as fast as I would like but down is nothing but GOOD.

February 23.  Bob and I saw a delightful student production of The Heathers: A Musical at Lindenwood University.

February 24.  We joined our neighbors for a night of Trivia and it was so much fun, even if I had to ignore the brownies, shrimp, roll ups and seven layer dip to eat my cauliflower hummus.

February 25.  I enjoyed a lunch meeting with my Delta Kappa Gamma ladies, whom I do not get to see enough of.

February 26.  I loved learning how to decorate a cake like a pro today at my neighbor's house, who is a pastry chef for a wonderful bakery!

February 27.  My meeting with my PEO sisters left me feeling sad about my leadership, which is an unusual feeling for me and something I must take time to analyze.

February 28.  The last day of February was spent on the road to Columbia, where I was able to talk to my mom for 40 minutes on the way to Columbia and 50 minutes on the way home!

February was a good month, but I am looking forward to March, as Spring draws closer and the fun of gardening begins!  If you decide you would like to do A Sentence A Day journaling, please let me know, I would love to come and read!


  1. I can't believe we're in March already, this year is going far too fast! I love the idea of jotting down a sentence each day, I bet it takes next to no time and can jog your memory for the whole day!

  2. February FLEW by this year. I think a sentence a day is a fun idea. I should try this one of these months....

  3. What a great idea to write a sentence a day about that day. It certainly will be great memories to look back on years from now.

  4. Really love the idea of a sentence a day! My daughter is off at college and it strikes me often that she is on her own (your February 5th). Congrats on the 6 pounds!!

  5. I love Feb 01 and Feb 06. The first because we live far away from family so our friends became our family. They are just the best and we love every minute we spend with them. Feb 06 because let's face it we all have those days where your head feels like it's going to explode!!!

  6. I've always wanted to keep a journal but never could keep up with writing everyday. What a clever idea to just start with writing a sentence a day.

  7. Ooooh - I love when you do the sentence a day! I always am inspired to do it, but then I forget. I need to start now! Hope you had a blast in Chicago!

  8. I really LOVE this idea.. super creative and i am definitely using this at work as well!!

  9. What a really great idea! It must be so cool to look back and re-read the entire month of sentences.

  10. February was so warm by us and it looks like it was for you too. My husband still sends me cards but talks about how all holidays are too commercial. Thanks for your thoughts.

  11. Always a great way to look back on the month regardless of what happened! This is really awesome, looks like you had a great month altogether.

  12. What a great idea! It always nice to look back at the previous month. I hope for me March will flies by. xx

  13. This is such a fun thing to read. I like what you wrote in February 2, because sometimes I feel like that too!

    Belle |

  14. Thanks for sharing your sentences for the month of Februrary. In a way I do the same. I write a grateful statement each day in my Happy Planner.

  15. Holly6:02 PM

    This is a really great idea. I'm pretty sure mine would say " the kids wore me out today" everyday :P

  16. I love this, February has just flown by for us and it's strange to see them in a sentence per day but I think it's been a good one for us so far!

  17. Love that you got to spend some time in Chicago. I love that city and haven't been back in a while. Visiting with family makes it even better!

  18. Wow this is an incredible idea! Since some of us are too busy to even write in our diary, A one sentence journal ain't bad. I might do this too.

  19. I love sentence in a day, i would so love to do this. Very inspiring

  20. I can't believe it's already march! I feel like this month just flew by!

  21. These are all really wonderful and provide a great way to look back and reflect on the month.

  22. What a great idea to help remind yourself of your day. That will come in hand when the years go by and memories fade. I love this idea.

  23. I agree, February went by way too fast - it was a blur! I love your sentence a day content. I wish we could cut our cord here at home!

  24. I love this idea! So much fun and I love reading what you're up to. I headed to Chicago this month as well!

  25. You were in a sorority! I love that! Or at least I am guessing you were since Delta Kappa Gamma isn't a typical club name outside of sororities.

  26. It is amazing how these months have flown by so fast! I love this idea of writing a sentence a day. I'll definitely have to try something like this sometime!

  27. Ahhhhhh I swear I have no sense of time because I can't believe it's already march!!!! Love the idea of writing a sentence a day. Great way to recap!!!
