I have embraced a new sugar-free, dairy-free and gluten-free diet for the past 8 weeks. I have enjoyed a sixteen pound …
The first in a series, this historical fiction novel, A Stolen Heart by Amanda Cabot, takes place in fictional Cimarro…
Truman and Wilson love their morning walk with their dad, regardless of the weather. They are the first ones up in the…
What a perfect color to highlight in the month of March: GREEN! St. Patrick's Day, the color of the new grass in …
I was so excited when Wendy from
A Day in the Life on the Farm chose The Martian as our March movie for #FoodnFlix. I …
We are celebrating all things citrus at #SundaySupper this week. I love all citrus, especially lemon and grapefruit. …
I can never think of this slogan without thinking about my sister, Tammi. When she was in third grade, she wore a butt…
I love having eggs for my breakfast, but sometimes I just don't have the time to cook them fresh. This is when my M…
A charming Oregon seaside village, an ex-con gone good, a beautiful police chief with a sad history, all come together …
Sopa De Calabaza MexicanaWe are headed south of the border with Mexican soups, perfect for your Cinco de Mayo party in …
One of my favorite spring activities is to plant the Salad Bowl. The Salad Bowl is a huge planter that I sow several k…
The St. Louis Art Museum has an exhibit on the works of Edgar Degas and his fascination with hats, the women who made …
Historical fiction is one of my favorite genres, a genre I head toward when I want a good meaty story, with enough info…
Lately I have been thinking about stress and how to reduce it in my life. I wrote about
journaling here and how writin…
I love tomatoes. They are probably my favorite fruit/vegetables. I just learned that I have an acidic stomach and tom…
We all experience everyday stressors from busy schedules to managing a household. We may work outside the house and can…
Top of the morning to all you lads and lassies!
This is the month of all things Irish, and now I can include myself in …
It is hard for me to fathom that February is gone and that we are close to finishing up the first quarter of 2017. The…