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Panfried Salmon

We love salmon at our house and try to eat it weekly for all the good benefits.  Our favorite way to eat it is panfried, which is simple and easy, and so delicious.

People ask us about whether to buy wild caught or farm raised salmon.  We are big believers in wild caught salmon.  Typically wild caught salmon has less fat than farmed and therefore fewer calories.  Plus we like the idea of our fish having a happy, swimming life!

This isn't a recipe as it is a process.  You will need a 5 oz filet per person.  You'll need a skillet, 2 T olive oil and 1 T butter, salt and pepper, and steak seasoning.   Bring your filets to room temperature.  Salt and pepper the fish on both sides.  Set aside.  Heat your skillet, then add the oil and butter.  Add filets, skin side up.  Cook for about 4 minutes.  Turn with a spatula.  Sprinkle the non skin side with steak seasoning.  Cook until the fish feels firm, another 3 minutes.  Remove with spatula and let rest a minute or two before eating.

That's all there is to this folks.  The salmon should be flaky but inside should be a soft pink.  It shouldn't be dry.  I like mine on the medium side of done.  We do all kinds of things for side dishes, but our favorites are pasta alfredo and asparagus.   Enjoy!

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  1. This is a simple but stunning dish. I love the freshness of wild caught salmon, plus you make a good point it's better to know that the fish lived a happy life. Thanks for the instructions!

  2. I love salmon but have never made it at home, I am always a bit put off by the price since here in Colorado anything seafood is super expensive!

  3. Yum! I've been saying lately how I need to find the "right way" to cook and prepare salmon, so I'm so happy that I came across this! It looks delicious and I can't wait to try your recipe out!! Im new to cooking and preparing seafood and fish, so thanks for this post, it's going to help me A TON

  4. There's also a big difference in taste between farm-raised and wild. This is a great recipe! We LOVE salmon!

  5. I am having some people over for sunday dinner this weekend and this might be a really great idea to serve them. Thanks :)

  6. That looks really, really good! Salmon has always been one of hubby's favorites. Thanks for the recipe. xo Diana

  7. I could probably eat salmon every day and be completely happy. I am always looking for new recipes to try though so I will have to give this one a shot!

  8. Oh this looks so yummy. I wish my family would venture out and try fish. I've only had it a couple times and loved it.

  9. Is it odd that I can't stand homemade salmon? If it's from a restaurant I'm totally fine but it never turns out when I make it lol! I may have to try this out and see how it works for me :)

  10. Oh my! I love salmon and I am always looking for a good salmon recipe. I am definitely trying this next week! I'm so excited!

    Belle | www.OneAwesomeMomma.com

  11. Yum! We love salmon but we usually do cook it in the oven. This looks yummy though, thanks for a quick and easy recipe!

  12. Angela Ricardo6:34 AM

    Absolutely looks yummy! I can eat salmon every day and such a comfy food for me especially when I'm stress

  13. ooo my cousins and auntie love salmon and they always manage to cook it really well for us all, they are expert salmon cookers!

  14. Do you know I cook salmon all the time, but I always bake it! I never thought to pan fry it like this! I need to give this a go!

  15. I'm not a big fish lover, but my husband loves it and has asked me quite a bit to make some. This looks like one I could do up for him and he'd really enjoy! - jeanine

  16. Yum! I love fish, especially salmon. I have never prepared it this way but can't wait to try. Thanks for sharing!!!

  17. Our family loves salmon and I've never prepared it panfried. Definitely trying this soon!

  18. Thank you for that quick recipe and answer to the farmed vs wild salmon question. I usually grill my salmon but will try this method next time.

  19. This looks good and easy. I just wish I liked Salmon. I'm more of a white fish person.

  20. I was just saying the other day that we should make more fish for dinner! This dish looks totally delish!

  21. This looks so tasty! I am never confident when I am cooking salmon for some reason--I just never had experience with it growing up (we usually cooked scallop and clams--I grew up in New England). Thanks for sharing how you make yours!


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