Take a look at the wonderful mix of fantastic posts all using the color orange. You will love the diversity of topics here!
Let's talk about orange! On the spectrum of light, orange falls between yellow and red. The color gets its name from the fruit. Before it had a name, Europeans called the color yellow-red. Orange makes us think of adventure, warmth, danger and energy. Most orange plants get their color from carotenes, including fall leaves. When the weather turns cooler, chlorophyll stops producing and fades away, so then we can see the carotene in the leaves. Orange was the easy choice for our #ColorOurWorld color in October!
Here are those great bloggers with their look at
Here are those great bloggers with their look at
The Freshman Cook Orange Cookies
GardenChick Orange Zinnas
Day to Day Adventures Volunteer Pumpkins
Blooming Secrets The Year in Color: Orange
Sensible Gardening and Living Growing Pumpkins