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Sunny and Bright Home Tour Wrap Up

The Sunny and Bright Home Tour was such a fun adventure!  It was the first home tour I have hosted and I knew I had a lot to learn, but I have to thank my co-hostesses for the fantastic job each did on their summer decorating.  I am humbled and so inspired, by each of them.

On Monday we visited White Spray Paint blog and was awed by the vivid colors in her home.  These flowers were taken from a plant in Laura's yard.  Exquisite, don't you think?

Tuesday we visited Poofing the Pillows (I adore this name!) and saw how Stacey made her home even more charming with her flowers and her cute printable that she shares!

Wednesday we visited Joyce's home at At Home with Jemma.  Colors everywhere!  I couldn't get enough!  I fell in love with this pillow on her bed.  I have a hello vinyl on my front door and love it!

Thursday was here at my house.  You can catch up with my summer decor by going here.

Friday we were at Laura's Decor to Adore.  Do you know that Laura did the kindest thing?  She was down in the back, in pain, and she insisted on doing this Friday post.  I just love this lady and her dedication.  Hugs, Laura, but gentle ones!  I love what she is working on in her bedroom.  

Aren't these beautiful?  I love the story, go head to her blog to read it.

So thank you, Laura, Laura, Stacey and Joyce!  You made my first home tour so easy and wonderful!

You can follow us on social media!  We all post lots of fun things on different forms.  Join us in our fun!

Terri:  Our Good Life , Instagram,  Twitter , Pinterest

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  1. I am just seeing this now! I love home tours, they give so much inspiration to me! I am currently redecorating so I will be sure to check out these lovely ladies. Thank you!

  2. You have such a lovely home. It is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

  3. That HELLO pillow is too cute. I wish I had fresh flowers to pick from my yard! Way cheaper, right?!

  4. Oh, I love the colors in Joyce's home! This is such a fun way to see other bloggers' gorgeous homes!

  5. I love the mason jars on the table! What pretty homes! I am glad they all shared them with us!

  6. Thank you so much for the wonderful links! Everything looks so bright and cheerful - and I'm always looking for inspiration for my own home!

  7. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Oh how fun! I love visiting home tours - there is always so much to see and get new ideas! thanks for sharing.

  8. Heather10:03 PM

    I love your Hello pillow!!That is too cute! It would really make my white couch look more inviting to guests!

  9. How beautiful! I love your taste in decor. I also love incorporating sunny and bright colors in the home, too. It always livens up the mood! :)

  10. I love all the flowers! I love having fresh flowers in my home, but tend to only do it in the summer when we have them available from our yard. The blues are so pretty.

  11. Omg I am in love with that pillow!!!! It would look pretty fabulous I my living room!!!!!

  12. Beautiful details and colors in the photos. I want that pillow too. It would look great in my office.

  13. I have never heard of a home tour and that is something I would love to do! The decor and the colors are beautiful! I love fresh flowers on my kitchen table!


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