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Teacher Appreciation Day

Teacher Appreciation Day is May 3 and as a teacher and principal for 25 years, I know that there are going to be a lot of people searching for an appropriate gift for their teacher over the weekend.  I'd like to propose this:  use this free printable here on my blog.  This free printable is simply a thank you letter that you and your child can write together (or independently, if able)  I really love it because there is a space at the top where you can draw a picture!

Teachers are our guides, our guiding stars, teachers change lives and show us that we can be anyone we want. Unfortunately, what they rarely tell us, is to be anyone you want, you need to learn how to prioritize. If you need someone to deal with your assignment so you can write a letter to your favorite teacher now, address experts with the "I need to pay someone to write my paper" request. Get help with things that can be delegated, and focus on tasks that truly matter. Only you decide what matters most!

Being an educator, essay writer, and a member of the community on assignmentpay.comJared Gibson concludes that receiving such letters motivates teachers to become better for their students.

When I was a teacher, these hand-written notes were so special to me.  I loved reading what the students liked about our classroom.  Here are two of the many I saved:

From a fourth grade student at West School
From a sixth grade student at Lee School
Weren't those fun?  My students were awesome and I know how blessed I was to teach at these two schools.  I had the best colleagues one could hope for!

This download is free, free from advertising of my blog and free to use and share!  It is my gift to you so that you can appreciate your teacher in style!

I'd love to know if you are going to use the stationary.  I want to do more free printables but first I need to know if you like them!  Leave me a message in the comments!  Thank you!


  1. Those sweet notes have to be worth it all, right? It's such a wonderful gift to educate our future, thank you! When I was a substitute teacher I would get the sweetest letters and I loved them. :)
    Thanks for sharing your printable with us.

  2. These are fabulous printables! I have yet to decide what to bring the teachers next week - i better get busy!

  3. Thanks for sharing! I love reading about what teachers and former teachers really want and like to receive. These personal notes are really sweet.

  4. It's so nice to see that you held on to those. What a great keepsake!

  5. That is so sweet that you kept those notes! I would want to do something like this for my son's teachers one day when he goes to school.

  6. I love that you have saved those notes over the years! I have a few teachers from HS that I still talk to.... Im going to share this with my sister who has to put together notes for our favorite 13 year old this week!

  7. What an adorable idea! As a former teacher I will say that I always loved receiving notes like this from students...and parents!

  8. Thank you for reminding me that this is coming up! Can't wait to put something together for my daughters teachers!

  9. I know that being a teacher can be challenging but I'm grateful that you took on a job that most people don't want to do. When you get notes like that it just makes your day but shows how wonderful a teacher you are.

  10. My son just finished his first year of college and we have contacted a few of his teachers (some from elementary school) that were exceptional to let them know how much we appreciate the role they played in his life. They cry every time. We do the same for my daughter.

  11. I think that is an great idea. My grand kids are young so it would be a nice end of year tradition. Thank you so much for sharing the printable.

  12. I bet it feels so good as a teacher to get hand-written notes and drawings from students. My brother recently volunteered to DJ at my nephew's dance, and the kids wrote 'thank you' notes…they were sooooo cute.

  13. I love getting handwritten notes from my students too. I have a folder that I keep all of their notes in and they bring me a lot of joy whenever I look through them.

  14. What a cute printable! I will have to print it out for my kiddos to write to their teachers!

  15. this is just the cutest and sweetest idea for teachers. they really do deserve so much more than we can give them - I'm lucky that my daughter has great ones. ;)

  16. So adorable! I love my teachers and support to let them know how they impact our kids

  17. this is such a cute printable. thanks for sharing it!
