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Five Years of Laundry Product??

If you are like me, I absolutely cannot stand to purchase laundry products.  They are so expensive, not to mention cumbersome and heavy.  When I learned about Good Sheet, I was so excited.

This is a laundry product that is different from the others.  All the product you need is contained in one sheet.  Yes, one sheet!  The sheet goes into the wash and follows into the dryer.  As the video says, so easy your husband can do it!  (I can't complain much in that department, though!)

I am going to be testing the product later next week, but in the meantime, check out what made me want to try it in the first place, this cute video.

Here's your chance to win a five year supply.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. This looks like a neat product I would love to try! Now next let's find a solution to lugging home the 40lb bag of dog food!

  2. Well, this is definitely something new! Cute video... I personally got tired of buying "green" laundry detergents only to find out they weren't that eco-friendly after all. So, for the last few years I've been using homemade products or (when life gets busy) bought Allen's Naturally. I just wish someone invented self-cleaning kids clothes..

  3. A five year supply? Yes, please! I definitely could use this!

  4. What a great product to win. It's necessary and can get so expensive over time.

  5. Just 1 sheet? How is that even possible. Now you've got me interested as well. I spend tons on laundry supplies so anything that will save me and my family money, I'm all for it.

  6. What an interesting product. Never heard of this before!

  7. What a great giveaway!

  8. super interesting - I'd love to know more about the ingredients

  9. Sounds like a neat product. Cleaning products are so expensive.

  10. Ooh sounds like a great product. Great giveaway!


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