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Cake Mix Toffee Bars for the #SecretRecipeClub

It's the monthly edition of the Secret Recipe Club reveal day and I am so happy to have been spying on Life on Food this month where I decided to try her Cake Mix Toffee Bars.  Not that this was the only recipe on her page.  Heavens, no.

Cake Mix Toffee Bars

I loved reading about Emily on her About Me page.  She's had a very interesting life, and she's barely 32!  A darling husband and baby round out her family.  I'm with her on this:  steamed lobster, enough said.  Oh, and lobster bisque.

I really want to try these Morning Glory Muffins, too.  I want to say to my family, "help yourself to a morning glory muffin."  It sounds so.... cheerful!  And these:  Browned Butter Chocolate Chip Brownies.  Heavens!  Browned Butter anything...

These Cake Mix Toffee Bars are a great quick treat and for my small family, I tweaked the recipe to use a box of Jiffy Cake mix.  I love these tiny boxes of goodness!

Cake Mix Toffee Bars

Cake Mix Toffee Bars

by Our Good Life
Prep Time: 10 min
Cook Time: 30 min
Ingredients (9 servings)
  • 1 jiffy cake mix
  • 1 egg
  • 1/4 c melted better
  • 1/2 of a 14 oz can of sweetened condensed milk
  • 1 t vanilla
  • 1/2 c toffee bits, Heath bar bits, or chopped Heath bar
Preheat oven to 350
Spray a 9 by 9 inch square baking pan with cooking spray.
Combine cake mix, egg, and melted butter until well incorporated and press into the prepared pan.
In another bowl, combine the sweetened condensed milk, egg and vanilla. Whisk together until combined and pour over the first layer.
Sprinkle on candy bits.
Bake 20-25 minutes until center is set and edges are golden brown.
Cool completely before cutting into squares.
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  1. Those sound so yum! What a delicious treat these are! I am going to have to make these SOON!

  2. Um...yum. This looks so delicious! I am totally going to bake this soon. Maybe this upcoming weekend, as it would be so perfect for Sunday breakfast!
    Karen |

  3. Yummy! I would love to have a slice of this with my coffee. What a delicious treat :)
    Pinning this for later!

  4. This sounds delicious! I love using cake mixes to make things because it makes cooking so much easier!

  5. Happy Reveal Day! Glad you liked the bars.

  6. Toffee Bar plus decaf coffee/tea = a very happy Ana. I could do with these to give me the sugar rush I need to finish my work.

  7. These look great, bet they were yummy!! I've never heard of the secret recipe club though. What is it?

  8. Yum! Such a delicious sounding treat. You had me at condensed milk.

  9. Oh my goodness! Those sound really good and they look great too! I think I'll be trying these myself and might not even share. :)

  10. I love these. Cake and Toffee mix? How could anyone go wrong. Thanks for sharing the secret

  11. Sounds very easy peasy! Love Emily's blog!

  12. Love that you scaled it down for your family - these look like the perfect quick tasty treat!

  13. You had me at toffee. I love toffee but don't get to eat it that often. Great recipe.

  14. These sound wonderful and the Jiffy mixes are great now that we are empty nesters and I am only cooking for 2.

  15. The combo of those two things could never be bad.

  16. What a unique dessert! Perfect when you are looking for that 'something different' to bring to dinner.

  17. I love toffee! Seriously one of my favorite things! I am going to have to try these, I have been having a crazy sweet tooth as of late.

  18. I love toffee! Can't wait to give this a try!

  19. You have so many creative baking ideas. You've reminded me how long it's been since I've had toffee. Need to change that soon.

  20. Yum yes please this is definitely the type of treats we want in our house thx definitely making these ASAP.

  21. Oh my goodness, these look amazing! I definitely want to try these out because I love toffee!

  22. I love using cake box mixers for recipes like makes the prep so much easier! These looks quite tasty. Thanks for sharing!

  23. Oh my goodness. I am seeing so many good recipes today. And I'm supposed to be on a!

  24. That looks so tasty. I am getting hungry just looking at it!

  25. This recipe sounds like something I'll try for Mother's Day brunch. I'm looking forward to the cake with toffee combination!

  26. These look so delicious. I can't wait to make them for Mother's Day dinner.

  27. Toffee...mmmm. These look absolutely amazing! Great SRC pick this month!

  28. are you serious? these look so fabulous and I'm gonna have to give these a try!

  29. These look so delicious - such a perfect treat and look so simple to make! Thanks for sharing.

  30. I think your family is loving this. If this is what they have on a daily basis, dessert at their finger tips then oh my

  31. I need a jaw dropping/drooling icon for these!! I can't wait to test these out at the next social hour!!

  32. Yummy! I was just at the grocery store and I picked up a Jiffy cake mix. Great idea to add Toffee chips!

  33. Those are some delicious looking toffee bars. I think the kids would love this after school.

  34. Coffee cake is one of my favorites! These look like delicious, snack of all, on-the-go goodness! And so easy, too!

  35. Yum this looks delicious! I love toffee. I never had a cake mix toffee bar before so I am definitely going to have to try this recipe.

  36. thanks for sharing such a simple yet yummy quick dessert idea
