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It's Pie Month! Baked Penne Pie

"February has so many food holidays...chocolate, of course, heart healthy, Red foods, Fondues, Berries, Cherries, Grapefruit and Hot Breakfasts to name just a few. And American can make them red, you can make them chocolate, you can use berries or cherries, you can make them savory and serve them as a hot breakfast, you can make them out of grapefruit....well, maybe not, but if you do you will be my hero!!!"  This is what us going on Pie Month!  And.... there is a grapefruit pie among us!

Welcome to the 2016 February issue of #FoodieExtravaganza!  We're a bunch of foodie who love to blog and cook together.  Here's what we created with the theme of Bye Bye Miss American Pie.

This is my pie:  pie for dinner!  Made with whole grain pasta, jarred pasta sauce, leftover veggies and cheese, it is a frugal and healthy choice!

Baked Penne Pie
by Terri Steffes
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 20 minutes
Ingredients (6 servings)
  • 1 box whole wheat penne pasta
  • 1 jar of your favorite pasta sauce
  • 4 oz herbed goat cheese
  • 4 oz shredded mozzerella cheese
  • 1 c or more of cooked vegetables. I used broccoli
Cook penne pasta in boiling water for 6 minutes. It will finish cooking in the oven. Drain, and add the jar of pasta sauce, goat cheese and cooked vegetables. Mix until noodles and veggies are coated with sauce and some of the cheese has melted. Spray a springform pan with cooking spray. Pour noodle mixture into the pan, pressing noodles firmly. Cover with mozzerella over the entire top. Make a band of aluminum foil for the pan and wrap it around the sides. Cover the top with foil as well. This keeps the pasta from overbaking. Bake at 350 for 20-25 minutes or until cheese has melted. Remove foil for the last 3 minutes of baking to brown up cheese.
Let rest for 10 minutes. Carefully remove sides of pan. Cut into sixths and serve.
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Check out all the other pies from this fun round up!  

BLT Pie by Georgina of G'Gina's Flavors Palatte

Cheddar Leek Potato Pie by Lauren at Sew You Think You Can Cook

Cheeseburger Pie by Kathleen at Fearlessly Creative Mammas

Grapefruit Pie by Rebekah at Making Miracles

Ham and Broccoli Quiche by Wendy at A Day in the Life on the Farm

Homegrown Blackberry Pie by Carlee of Cooking with Carlee

No Bake Peanut Butter Pie by Lauren of From Gate to Plate

Peaches and Cream Pie by Elaine at Cookin and Craftin

Penne Pie by Terri at Our Good Life

Red Velvet Pudding Pie by Teri of The Freshman Cook

Tar Heel Pie by Tara of Tara's Multicultural Table

The Impossible Coconut Pie by Stacy of Food Lust People Love

Walnut Crumble-Topped Apple Tart by Caroline at Caroline's Cooking

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