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It's #SundaySupper Day!

#SundaySupper is a national movement to get us to go back to eating dinner together to improve family relationships.  As a educational administrator, I fully believe that eating dinner together, having conversations about how the day went, betters us as a family and in turn, as a nation.

I have been participating with #SundaySupper for a few months and I am so excited to be a part of the group.  Here are some of my top posts with #SundaySupper:

1. Mac and Cheese

2. Avocado Hummus

3.  Wedge Salad

4.  Lemon Cream Pie with Girl Scout Cookies Lemonades Cookie Crust

5. Jalapeno Cilantro Deviled Eggs

6.  Smoked Turkey Salad

7. Midwest Loco Moco

8.  Momma's Mimosa

9.  Tomato, Shrimp and Bleu Cheese Pizza

10.  Five Ingredient Sangria

11. No Bake Banana Pie in a Jar

12.  Radish Top Pesto

13. Vodka Splash

14.  Waffle Pizza

15.   Acorn Squash, Black Bean and Spinach Quesadillas

16.  Christmas Cranberry Mojito

As you can see, it has been a wonderful, tasty year with the Sunday Supper Family.  And, these are just MY recipes.  You should see what the group has to offer on Sunday Supper website!

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