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Fun and Romantic and Easy-to-Make Valentine Card

So what happens when you put a group of motivated bloggers together?  You get a fantastic blog hop, that's what!  This month, treat yourself to a lot of fun Valentine activities!

For my part, I wanted to find an easy to make card for your sweetie!  I know a lot of people think this holiday is all about selling cards for the big card companies.  If you are one of those, then make your own!  It's not hard to be creative, when you are using an idea from here!

Here is a super simple card, but one I would love from my husband, who has made me cards before!

Start with a plain notecard, the kind that comes in a packet of 8-10.  You can find these at Walgreens, or if you are desperate, go and check out your significant other's stationery drawer.

Find an unused key or purchase a blank from Lowe's or other hardware store and place it where you want it on the card.  With a pencil, make a small dot above the key and below the key and then remove the key to the side.

Above the dot, write You Hold the Key.

Below the dot, write To My Heart.

Write your sentiment on the inside, like, I love you even when you misplace the car keys, or if that is a sore subject just write, I love you!

Go back and glue the key to the front of the card.  You can use any glue, but some take longer, and take more glue, than others.  You can also use a pretty piece of washi tape!

Pretty simple, but straight to your sweetie's heart!

Here are some other sites for cute cards!

Real Simple Magazine

Better Homes and Gardens Magazine

Martha Stewart


Check out these other motivated bloggers for their fun activities below!

Bubble Wrap Heart Decorations by Crafty Kids at Home
Valentine Pet Project for Kids by Sunny Day Family
Hand Knit Hearts by Nemcsok Farms
Homemade Lip Gloss by Study at Home Mama

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