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What's New Out There?

I have been remiss in showing you some fun products that I have been using.  Let's remedy that now.

For Truman and Wilson:  those goofy dogs!  They have been underfoot all week while the weather has been changing.  They get nervous when they hear the wind being too loud, or if it storms.  Thank goodness I have these little treats around so we can play (practice) our commands.  That keeps them busy for awhile.

I love these little bear shaped treats and Truman, especially, loves their pumpkin flavor.  I keep them in a clear jar with a red lid.  When I even just LOOK in that area, he goes crazy and then of course, I have to give him one (or two!)

I love this little green ribbon that I found to place on my key chair  in honor of my friend, Linda, who is undergoing cancer treatment.  I found them at this Etsy shop called Star Dog.  There were several in a package so I could share them with friends.

I really love these tea lights candles.  They are special because they smell like the essential oils, Thieves.  Yummy!  They are pricey but I got a code to reduce the price.  You can find them on Amazon.  They are made with beeswax and smell delicious.

I know it is a random group of items, but that is what I wanted to share with you this week.  Let me know if you try any of these goodies.  I'd love to know what you think!

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