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My Talents

I believe it is important for us to share our talents with one another.  I always feel so blessed when someone shares their talents with me.  I have been so blessed in this department.  My friends have always been ready to share with me:  Charlotte and her incredible parties, Linda and her relationship building techniques, Ashley and her devotion to her students, Kendra and her music, Mary Francis and her positive affirmations, all these and more have blessed my life in more ways than I can count.

I often wonder what my friends see as my talents.  I feel more like a jack-of-all-trades than really talented in any one area.  My daughter threw me for a loop this past weekend when she talked about writing a book and wants me to illustrate it.... what???  I doodle all the time, but how does she know that??

Here's what I would consider to be my top three talents, something I might do pretty well without a lot of effort...

1.  Cook.

I love to cook and can recreate a recipe fairly easily.  I love to "make it my own," and that doesn't always work but I am always up to the challenge!

A little blackberry crumble
2.  Photography

I know there are millions better than me at the technical aspects of photography, in fact, I often ask my son-in-law to make the adjustments on my camera so I can get the look I want.  I think my real talent is in composition of the photo.  I love taking pictures, and my favorite subjects are the sunsets in New Town, where I live.  I feel so connected when I am trying to capture the scene.  So peaceful and fulfilling.

3.  Reading

It took me a while to learn to read but when I got it, it stuck.  I love to read and I love to engage others in reading.  As a teacher I wanted to be sure everyone loved reading and I would try my best to find books that would engage everyone.  We were the first class to read the Harry Potter books (one of my student's parents owned the local bookstore and she picked up the books before they hit it big) and we read them aloud in class.  What a memory!  We were riveted!

What about you?  What talents do you think you possess?  How do you think others perceive you?  A big shout out to  Monica at I Heart Grade 3 for inviting us to participate!

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