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Farm Stand Food: Radish Top Pesto #SundaySupper

I was so excited when I saw this theme for this week.  I love going to food stands in the summer. This event is being hosted by Colleen of Foodie Tots with help from DB aka Foodie Stuntman at Crazy Foodie Stunts  This is the time to try new and different vegetables, one because they are plentiful and two, because they are so inexpensive and three, the farmers can tell you all kinds of things to do with them!  That is what happened in my case, when I picked up a beautiful bouquet of radishes.  The farmer said, what do you do with them?  I replied, nothing, I don't like radishes but this bunch is so beautiful.  He said, have you ever used the tops?  To that I replied, no, why?  He closed his eyes and said, Honey, you are missing the best part!

He went on to describe the peppery flavor of radish tops and how he loved to saute them and eat them alone, but his wife made a pesto with them that he really liked, too.  Pesto??

I bought the radishes and roasted them and used the green tops for pesto.  We've used this pesto to top chicken, as a dip and in pasta.  Yum.

Radish Leaf Pesto

by Terri Steffes
Prep Time: 10 minutes

Ingredients (approximately 2 cups)
  • 4-6 c fresh radish greens tops
  • 1 oz parmesan cheese, grated
  • 1 oz nuts, grated
  • 1 clove garlic, peeled
  • 2 T lemon zest
  • 2-4 T olive oil
  • salt
  • pepper
  • red pepper flakes
Place cheese, nuts, garlic, lemon zest and seasonings in a food processor. Pulse several times until ingredients are fine and well blended. Add radish tops and pulse until coarse chopped. Drizzle oil into processor and process until finely chopped and blended. Store refrigerated. With a coat of oil on top, this will last in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.
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Appetizers, Sides and Salads
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