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Around the Garden

Today's peek includes the vegetable gardens, which are acting very strange this year.  Yes, we got a lot of rain and now we are being baked in the sun, but my plants, well, are doing strange things.

Tomato plant number 1.  Fruit on the vines, starting to turn red.  Much later than last years tomatoes but I can wait for their summery goodness.  Tomato plant 2.  Lots of cherry tomatoes, going nuts as usual.  Tomato plant number 3.  NOT ONE TOMATO on this big bushy plant.  Lots of green, no fruit.  Not one.

My succulent is having babies!  I was worried that so much rain would be problematic for this plant, but they seem to be quite happy!

Look at my begonias!  They are almost covering the dwarf alberta spruce that I have planted in those pots.  They seem to LOVE the water and the steam!  That's it for the garden this week!  Let's see what survives the heat next week!

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