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Noteworthy in June

I am looking forward to all kinds of great events in June!  Here's a list of those happenings that are going to be extra-exciting for the Steffes' family!  This list is not to compile all the doings of June, just the ones I find interesting and fun for me and my family!

National Candy Month  (do I really need to go into details here?)
Gay Pride Month (hopefully some good things will happen this month!)
National Dairy Month (yay! Eat ice cream!)
June 5    National Donut Day
June 14  Flag Day
June 18  National Picnic Day
June 19  National Martini Day
June 21  Father's Day and the Summer Solstice
June 22  National Onion Ring Day

Book Releases:

June 2    Finder's Keepers by Stephen King
June 9    Hilter's Last Days by Bill O'Reilly
June 9    Your Baby's First Words Will Be Dada by Jimmy Fallon
June 9    All the Single Ladies by Dorothea Benton Frank

Movie Releases:
I love summer movie releases!!

June 5   Spy with Melissa McCarthy and Jude Law and others
June 19 Inside Out with Amy Poehler as one of the voices

St. Louis Fun

June 1-5  Food Wine Design Culinary Week sponsored by Lexus.  We are going Thursday night.
June 14   New Town Garden Tour
June 10-24  Firefly Festival at the Butterfly House

On our personal calendar:

June 17  Celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Regional Professional Development Centers!
June 18  Our anniversary!
June 20  Dinner at Al's to celebrate our anniversary
June 21  Tenacious Eats to see Blues Brothers for Father's Day
June 25  Columbia College President visits the St. Louis campus and CC Alumni are welcoming him at Ballpark Village for a Watch Party!
June 26  New Town Movie Night
Vacation to Panama City Beach!

Hopefully we'll have some warm weather with sunshiny days! 

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