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Memorial Day Cook Off 2015

"There's no place like home," and this is never more true than when our daughter and her husband are in town for an extended visit.  I just love having them here.  I hate it when they leave.  Still.

We have an annual tradition of having a burger cook off on Memorial Day.  We're all involved in education, either at the public school or collegiate level, but we can all count on being "off" or "done" by Memorial Day.  It is our first big summer party.

Ashley and Eric come up with a burger and so do we, and then we make them up and cook them and declare a winner for the year. It is always difficult to chose. 

This year Ashley and Eric submitted a cheddar and horseradish burger, two of our favorite flavors.  The burger was 80% lean and so juicy.  Served on an English muffin, this burger was full of unique flavors.

Bob was the creator of our burger, which was a cream cheese burger topped with bacon and candied jalapenos.  Delish!  We served it on a pretzel bun and just loved the combination of flavors.

Bob's Cream Cheese Burger with Bacon and Jalapenos was declared the winner! 


Ashley and Eric.  Cool Target sunglasses.

Side dishes: Ultimate mac and cheese, caprese salad.

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