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Lemon Gooey Butter Cake, inspired Butter, the movie #Food'n'Flix

This month's film for Food 'n' Flix was Butter.  I hadn't heard of this movie, but when it was suggested by Evelyne at Cheap Ethnic Eatz, I knew I had to see it after I read her description!  A big thank you to Evelyne for hosting this month!

Here is a summary of the movie as written by Metacritic:

Starring: Ashley Greene, Hugh Jackman, Jennifer Garner, Olivia Wilde, Ty Burrell, Yara Shahidi 
Summary:  A tale of competition at its most cut-throat, "Butter" surveys the raw ambition of Laura Pickler, (Jennifer Garner) the wife of Bob Pickler (Ty Burrell), Iowa's long-reigning champion butter carver. For 15 years, Laura has relished her high-profile role as the beautiful, loyal helpmate to her affable, artistically gifted husband. But when Bob is pressured to retire and allow someone else a chance at glory, an indignant Laura decides to enter the competition herself. She is first in line on sign-up day, only to see her odds of victory fall below 100% with the arrival of an unlikely yet formidable contender: 10-year-old Destiny, the African-American foster child of local couple Julie and Ethan. And that's not all. Bob's would-be mistress, bad-girl stripper Brooke also declares her candidacy, as does his #1 fan, Carol-Ann. Facing three opponents, mocked by her stepdaughter Kaitlen and furious with her husband, Laura resolves to do whatever it takes to win. And if that means resorting to sabotage – and recruiting her dim-witted former boyfriend Boyd (Hugh Jackman) as a co-conspirator – then so be it.  
This movie was a fun, energetic movie, not necessarily for kids even though there is a child in it.  I hooted, cried and actually caught the symbolism in this movie on competition, life and love.  The butter sculptures are actually amazing, and as one who feels her summer isn't complete without seeing the butter cow at the Missouri State Fair, I was completely enraptured.
Being from St. Louis and talking about BUTTER, there is only one conclusion to make about it, my inspiration comes from the famous St. Louis dessert, the Gooey Butter Cake.  My recipe, borrowed from the Dierberg Cooking School, uses lemon to make it even more yummy.

Lemon Gooey Butter Cake

by Dierbergs Culinary Professionals
Cook Time: 40 minutes
Ingredients (20-24 servings)
  • 1 box yellow cake mix
  • 4 large eggs, divided
  • 1/2 c butter
  • 1 1/2 t lemon extract
  • 1 pkg cream cheese, softened
  • 1 box (1 lb) powdered sugar
  • 1 T grated lemon peel
In a large mixing bowl, beat cake mix, 2 eggs, softened butter and lemon extract at medium speed until well mixed.
Pat into prepared 9 by 13 pan.
Beat cream cheese until smooth and add 2 eggs, lemon peel and all but 1 T of powdered sugar to the mix.
Beat until smooth.
Pour over batter in pan.
Bake at 350 until center is set, about 35-40 minutes.
Cool in pan on wire rack.
Dust with reserved powdered sugar.
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Food‘nFlixSo if you are a movie buff and want to join in on the fun, click the link above and go and find out more information. It is a lot of fun, you watch the movie sometime during the month of the post, and on your own time frame. If you chose to join, let me know!

Linking up with Pennies Into Pearls linky party this week!

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