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Around the Garden

We have had 98% rain since last Monday and although some of my flowers like it, most are starting to feel the effects of too much water.  Just like anything else, too much of a good thing is, well, too much.  We made some adjustments to our garden now that the sales have really kicked in.  At the Farmer's Market this week all hanging baskets, annuals and perennials were 50% off.  That means it is time to do whatever replanting we need to do.  For instance, one of the pots held lettuce.  The lettuce is done so now the pot has impatients in it.

We purchased three of the hanging bags of flowers, like seen at amusement parks.  We are trying them out to see if we really want to add them to our list of must haves each spring.  We also purchased two more summer rugs, one under the dining table and another for the lounging area.  

We moved the lounging area from the deck to here.  This space feels a bit more private for sunbathing, even though it is closer to the fence. My back will now be facing the main road instead of looking at it!

We lost our lemon tree.  It just got too cold here in the early spring.  We thought we'd nutured it back, but this week the tree lost the last of its leaves.  That pot got the basil replanted in it.  The basil really took off this year!

So now that I moved the lounging area, it opened up the deck.  I am thinking it is the perfect spot for a cafe table and chairs.  What do you think?

Here's what's blooming:  our Stella de' Oros and daisies!  I love daisies!  They are so festive.  Loot at home many buds there are!


Joining the fun today over at this party to see more gardens and tours!  Enjoy!

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